Chester Has Learned that Love Knows No Gender, No Color, No Religion and No Sexual Orientation

Chester, the hen, loves his daily life of eating, drinking, laying eggs and playing with his chicken friends. Chester was being teased by one of his chicken friends because Chester believes that he was meant to be a rooster and not a hen. This frustrated Chester because he was being ridiculed for being himself. One day Chester got to do what no chicken has ever done before: he was able to view the world through human eyeglasses. This experience opened his eyes to a new way of perceiving the world. He saw that love knows no gender, no color, no religion, and no sexual orientation. After this amazing experience, he went back to his chicken friends to tell them of the lessons he had learned about love. He told them that he loved them all for who they are and hoped they would accept him for who he is.

First, he taught them the lesson that love knows no gender. With the spectacles on, he was able to see a diverse range of human beings, all expressing their gender uniquely. Some were male, some female, others were a little of both while still yet in others it was hard to tell. He saw that when the family and friends of the humans who had blended or different genders, loved those members unconditionally, that there was harmony and high productivity. Whereas the families who rejected or ridiculed the members with differently gendered folk suffered huge losses and had a dark cloud of disappointment over them. He thought this over and then explained to his chicken friends that when we look at each other, we should see neither rooster nor hen, but a beautiful chicken. As each of us chickens look at each other, we should love each other regardless if we are a hen or rooster. We should never fault someone because they were born a hen and think they cannot do the “cock-a-doodle do” like a rooster, or look at a rooster and think they can never lay eggs. Whether or not they can sing or lay eggs, all chickens are beautiful.

The second lesson he taught his chicken friends was that love knows no color. He noticed that humans come in a variety of colors just like chickens do. He noticed that many humans have a variety of differently colored skin –even among individual families, there are a broad range of shapes, sizes and colors. He mentioned to the chicken group that his sister’s feathers are shaded a brightly colored red; she is often teased because most of the other chickens are tan and brown. Chester reasoned with the group that we shouldn’t look at each other for what color we are, but rather for who we are.

The third lesson he taught them was that love knows no religion. He noticed that there are a multitude of religions in the human world. A human’s religion did not define the person, it was a means for them to seek the truth. He noticed that there were wars based on religious beliefs that were annihilating people. He concluded that it’s best to seek the truth for our selves and to accept others regardless of how they seek the truth. He observed that when humans did this, they were more at peace and they showed more respect for one another.

Finally, he taught them that love knows no sexual orientation. He learned that sexuality is an important part of who the humans are because it defines how they see themselves and how they relate to others. He noticed that in some parts of human society that human sexuality was originally narrowly defined and enforced as such. The enforcement of the narrow definition caused those individuals to suffer by not being allowed to express their true selves. This attitude led to low self-esteem, family struggles, violence, and sometimes suicide. Being the compassionate chicken that he was, he told the flock of chickens that whether you think that someone is right or wrong in their sexual orientation, it is best to love them for who they are and not for who you want them to be.

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