Death of a Brother: God’s Message Today

Monday’s Blessing
Thessalonians 4:14

For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen

Death, an unwelcomed partner in our daily existence, strikes often without significant notice. During these times, when the Angel of Death rears its ugly head, one feels alone in his own grief-stricken solitude trying to add specks of life to commemorate his dearly departed. I know from experience, it is a tad easier consoling others in their anguish than acceptance of my own present insatiable grief. Words have always flowed lucidly to offer other’s comfort during their time of need, but fall short today as I wallow in my own stages of grief: Shock, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Guilt, Depression, and Acceptance. At this moment I am between stage five and six, still reeling from the recent lost of my brother- much too young to be a victim at death’s door. Thessalonians 4:14 comes as great comfort. My brother was always the bearer of great compassion and comfort and would have gently held my hand until I had fallen asleep should I have asked. Now, Jesus holds him tightly as he relishes in his own eternal sleep.

My brother was not exempt of life’s peril and pressures. In fact, during earlier times, he would have lashed
out at the world in frustration when he was emotionally distraught. But sometime during these past seven years, a gentler person emerged. He had found a sense of inner peace that those in life are still seeking. He shared this passion with those he loved, sending snippets of light to a darkening day. Never judgmental, when life’s paths became a strew with litter, he let you know “that is what boots are made for”. His understanding of life’s idiosyncrasies and the benefit of “going with the flow” will have to last a lifetime now. Don’t “sweat the small stuff” he would say, “life has a way of working itself out”. Yes, Rick, it does, and I will carry your words always.

1. Realize those who bless our life are here for the moment. Don’t let a day pass should you feel the need to contact them.

2. If there is someone you’ve been putting off calling, call today.

3. Give those, that matter most, a hug today and tell them how much they are loved. We can never say, “I love you,” enough.

4. If you have an estranged love one, reach out. Make a connection, they may need you.

5. Think of all those who left us behind, and pray for them this week. Pray for those who are still suffering from their loss.

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