Dover Delaware

December 15, 2011.

I have had a most delightful stay in Dover Delaware. I have been guest lecturing at the University here and have found the students and faculty to be a complete enjoyment. Several of the students invited me out and we discussed recent paranormal activities in relation to abnormal and even criminal behaviors within the community in between bouts of karaoke and libations. The crowd loved my renditions of Sinatra and kept asking for more.

To be honest, I did get carried away and drank far more than usual. I normally like to stop at two nightcaps, but the frivolity of the evening got the best of me and I pushed the envelope this evening with three drinks. Oh, I am feeling the effects! Of course, now I must detox for at least two weeks and flush my system with a strict regimen of fresh juices and vegetables.

I have received my invitation to speak at the Vatican next year at the Annual Conference for Anomalous Phenomena Worldwide. I am not sure I am up to the travel, it is rather tiring traveling across the globe. Air travel has degenerated to such a level that I find the very thought of it to be revolting. If I must travel, and I fear that I have no choice, I will try and arrange passage on a sailing vessel, so that if I must travel, at least it can be any style and dignity.

I do enjoy the Vatican conferences and our work is of such importance that no matter how much I fuss about my travels, I feel I really must take part. I have not yet met the new pontiff, but I hear he is quite the jokester.

While in Delaware, I have discovered signs of human behavior so depraved, to be that it must be that of other worldly influence. This behavior was some of the most horrid I have seen in my years of investigating and intervening in abnormal humanistic behaviors. Luckily, I suspect another one of my colleagues was able to intervene and the suspect behavior was nullified.

Unfortunately, the damage by this suspect was widespread and he was able to operate freely for far too long. The trends for such evil behavior seem to be spiking upward and there are just too few of us these days to be everywhere at once. I fear these will get worse, much worse.

I will follow up with further reports of this perverse activity when I have had a chance to shake off the nights boisterous behaviors.

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