From Believing to Expecting

Every noble person has some expectations in life, and expectations are derived from having a purpose, and following through with that purpose, in completion. Our expectations are determined by the amount of energy we put in our calling, and how well we handle the pressures of life, in relation to our purpose.

Each one of us was created for a specific purpose, Ephesians 4 : 11 – 12 says, “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”

Once we have identified our calling, Christ expects us to walk in that calling, and expect to bear good fruits. In order to meet our expectations, there are a number of things that need to be put into perspective

We are God’s workmanship

If we are to reflect the image of our creator, we must be passionate about our purpose, and display a level of enthusiasm in carrying out that purpose. We must reflect the image of our creator, who saw it pleasing in His eyes when He created us. Remember, He knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb, and created us to make a difference, to impact the world and make it a better place.

Our passion should be regulated by the Holy Spirit

Our passion level should be regulated by the Holy Spirit, rather than be shaped by external forces. When we allow the leadership of the Holy Spirit to guide us in our purpose, then the end result is beneficial to the body of Christ, and more so, we enjoy a sense of fulfillment. Words such as boredom, or burn out become foreign to us, as we derive passion from the Holy Spirit. Remember, Jesus promised a helper who will be with us until the end of times, and therefore we will never feel alone, even when our situations dictate otherwise. What fuels our purpose are; the promises of God, our believe level and our expectations of good fruits. On the flipside, if our purpose is regulated by the external forces, we suffer disappointment, lack of enthusiasm, leading to boredom and burnout, and more often, we feel left out or alone.

We should exercise patience

When carrying out our purpose, we must practice patience. James 5:7 – 8 says, “Therefore be patient until the coming of the Lord, see how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the former and the latter rain. You also establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.” The illustration of the farmer waiting patiently shows that we should be positive and hopeful while waiting expectantly. While waiting for God’s promise to come to pass, we must put actions behind our prayers. God has a great plan for our lives, and we must not let one setback or a series of disappointments keep us from pressing forward and believing for God’s best. The Farmer waits patiently for the former and the latter rains, reflects the importance of waiting till full maturity of God’s purpose in our lives, avoiding the temptations of rushing God with our needs.

Keep a fresh goal everyday

Most of life is routine, and anything can easily become boring. It is also easy to let the miracles of yesterday become too common, leading to loss of enthusiasm in life. In order to avoid the state of stagnation, we must practice renewing our enthusiasm, by revisiting our purpose and goals in life, keeping them fresh every day. We must make a choice to stay alive every day of our lives by keeping our dreams before us, and not letting the pressures of life push those dreams away. Setting goals is one way we can be sure to focus our efforts on the main things. That way, trivial matters will not be central to our focus. Proverbs 21: 5 says, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.” Setting plans also helps us move from remorse to real change, putting away the tendency to regret our past failures, and concentrate on good intentions.

Be thankful in all things.

Be thankful, and remember the miracles. Remember also that every day is a gift from God, and therefore we should never lose our enthusiasm due to the pressures of life. Don’t let what was once a miracle become too common, but be thankful in all things, however small they are in life. By giving thankful, we open the floodgates of blessings upon us.

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