Inspirational Alone Quotes

These inspirational alone quotes can help you put your feelings of loneliness into perspective and finally cope. Focusing on the benefits of being alone can alleviate any depression or feelings of worthlessness you may be experiencing.

“…the meeting of eyes, the exchanging of words-is to the psyche what oxygen is to the brain.” Martha Beck

“The best method to break out of solitary confinement is to seek to understand others, and help them understand you.” Martha Beck

“Use separations to remind yourself how wonderful it is that you have people to miss.” Martha Beck

“Solitude is the soul’s holiday, an opportunity to stop doing for others and to surprise and delight ourselves instead.” Katrina Kenison

“If we are always focused on external stimulation, or even on our relationships, we miss opportunities for inner growth and renewal.” Katrina Kenison

“Alone-in moments of prayer or meditation, or simply in stillness-we breathe more deeply, see more fully, hear more keenly. We notice more, and in the process, we return to what is sacred.” Katrina Kenison

“Aloneness is a time to be ourselves, with the freedom, dreams, enjoyments, and casual simplicity that recharge us and return us to our roots. It’s a chance to review and plan, to introspect and create, to become self-reliant and re-defined. It is an assertion of our precious identity whenever we have lost ourselves in a world that is full of people and bustle.” Peter Shepherd

“When we decide to end our aloneness, we need to make the first move rather than waiting for someone to rescue us, and we must accept the risks and effort that are required.” James Harvey Stout

“The best method to break out of solitary confinement is to seek to understand others, and help them understand you.” Martha Beck

“Know that your higher power is always with you. You are never alone when you accept that Spirit is always with you and within you.” Jonathan Huie

“Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone.” Maya Angelou

“When our self-offering
Comes to the fore,
Is bound to disappear.” Sri Chinmoy

“To find true happiness,
to know if one is truly happy,
he must be happy alone.” Rebecca Drollinger

“Let yourself experience the intimacy of friendship and of service to others, rather than putting life on hold until that significant other comes along.” Debra Farrington

“… learn to befriend your loneliness. Think of it as your teacher, and ask it for wisdom.” Debra Farrington

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