Several weeks ago, as part of my commitment to The Old Schoolhouse review crew, I was asked to choose from three different writing curriculum’s offered by The Write Foundation.
After browsing through each product I decided that the Paragraph Writing for ages 12-15 would be the best choice for my oldest son.
A couple of weeks later the package arrived at our door. We were unsure of what we would find but after a quick look through of the materials, I could tell I was going to need some quiet time to figure this out.
We received the teachers guide and worksheets for lessons 1-15. We were also e-mailed a zip file of the program we chose, so that things could be printed off quite easily if needed. This is valued at $65.00 plus tax and shipping.
Now as I said, sitting down for some quite time of your own will be highly beneficial when working with this program. You can find sample pages to each level of curriculum at The Write Foundation Website.
The program is set up for a weekly co-op class or a small school type setting but is easily adapted to a family homeschool.
The lessons are designed to be completed in one class period with the student having homework. I did not use the program in this way. Our school work is considered homework because we are at home doing it.
I broke the program down where lesson one was covered in a two week time period and then lesson two was covered in a two week time period etc. So basically we will cover one year with only 15 lessons of this program.
If children like English and writing then I am sure they would have no problem completing this program as it was designed. My son however doesn’t like writing or anything English related so I came up with the two week system.
What you will find in each lesson up to Lesson 15…
Lesson 1
Basic Paragraph: Note Taking – Block Outline
Lesson 2
How-to Paragraph: Sentence Order – Block Outline
Lesson 3
Rewrite Parables – Block Outline
Lesson 4
Rewrite Fables – Expand Block Outline
Lesson 5
Comparison Paragraphs
Lesson 6
Contrast Paragraphs
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Process Sequence
Lesson 9
Informative Paragraph
Lesson 10
Concrete Descriptive
Lesson 11
Concrete Place Descriptive
Lesson 12
Descriptive Sequence: Mood Setting
Lesson 13
Shepherd’s Story Rewrite 2 – Paragraphs
Lesson 14
Magi Story Rewrite 2 – Paragraph
Lesson 15
Figures of Speech Review
My son thought the program was very thorough. He found it boring because the program required you to do the same thing over and over again. He worked through it but with reluctance.
The program was designed to be repeated over and over so that it builds students confidence. So don’t let my sons opinion discourage you. I have said this many times over, my son does not like English or anything to do with English. It is a chore to get through writing assignments and it is safe to say he will not be an English teacher or hold a position that requires to much English writing.
The program is very well designed and is laid out very well. It does take a bit to get used to the format and how the program is designed to work.
Overall this is a great program to start with for those who do not have a firm foundation in writing. This program will defiantly give a student a firm foundation in writing.
Interested in what others have to say about The Write Foundation? Well hop on over to the Homeschool Crew’s Blog to find out what my crew mates had to say.
Personal opinion
The Write Foundation
TOS Crew