What Will Last Longer? the Occupy Wall Street Encampments? or the Corrupt System that Brought Them About?

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has said the Occupy LA encampment outside City Hall “cannot continue indefinitely.” [1] Here are some other things that cannot continue indefinitely.
A corrupt political system where politicians answer only to the wealthy that support them and bribe them cannot continue indefinitely.
A party electoral system that limits voter choice cannot continue indefinitely.
A government consisting of politicians who remain wholly unresponsive to the needs and legitimate concerns of those they are supposed to represent cannot continue indefinitely.
An ongoing government policy that moves jobs outside of the United States in the interest of cheap labor cannot continue indefinitely.
A system of laws that permits banks to charge usurious interest rates cannot continue indefinitely.
The steady and methodical erosion of the rights of workers cannot continue indefinitely.
Foreign military adventurism that is not supported by appropriate tax revenues, and, thus, drains the national treasury, cannot continue indefinitely.
A health care system that fails to deliver medical treatment to all those who need it cannot continue indefinitely.
A system of education that fails to impart critical thinking skills, or, at times, even basic literacy, cannot continue indefinitely.
A foreign policy that makes our nation almost universally loathed, and thereby endangers our citizens, cannot continue indefinitely.
An economic system that rewards the gambling of stocks and securities more generously than honest labor cannot continue indefinitely.
A tax code that taxes the sale of stock at a lower rate than it does wages for work cannot continue indefinitely.
The ongoing threat by politicians to diminish benefits to the elderly, who paid payroll taxes for those benefits, in order to better afford tax cuts for the wealthy and foreign military adventures, cannot continue indefinitely.
A political class that has abrogated its responsibility for the nation’s infrastructure cannot continue indefinitely.
None of these things can continue indefinitely: either the Occupy Wall Street encampments, or the things I have listed. The question is: which of these things will continue the longest?

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