Can you tear your quad muscle

Can you tear your quad muscle

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you tear your quad muscle”,you can compare them.

The quadriceps muscles consist of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius and the rectus femoris. Any of these muscles can strain (or tear) but probably the most common is the rectus femoris. A strain is a tear in the muscle. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you tear your quad muscle
Was my scar tissue or quad muscle torn?
If you would have torn quad muscle, there would be a significant change in your strength. In all likelihood, you couldn’t move right after the stretch because of pain (pain is a natural inhibitor of muscle strength and function). If there i…
Does anyone else out there have a torn quad? or any other torn mu…?
The parts of the story you want are mundane, boring and totally useless. Would you be interested in a method I discovered to fix torn muscles? No cost, merely apply the information and fix the problem. That is if you are very serious abo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Was my scar tissue or quad muscle torn?
Q: I was at physical therapy for my knee yesterday. My therapist was trying to break up my scartissue by bending my leg back. He bent it back really hard and I felt a tear in my leg then my leg just fell limp. I couldn’t move it or anyting for about 3 minutes. It still hurts today. Is this normal? Do you think he broke up the scartissue or did he actually tear some of my quad muscle?
A: If you would have torn quad muscle, there would be a significant change in your strength. In all likelihood, you couldn’t move right after the stretch because of pain (pain is a natural inhibitor of muscle strength and function). If there is no significant change in stregth TODAY, it’s unlikely that the muscle was torn. If it was scar tissue, it would be normal for it to sill hurt today, but it should subside within the next day or so back to the baseline. Good luck.
What to do for a torn quad muscle?
Q: My out-of-shape husband who normally just sits around playing video games in the evening has taken up softball. Yes, softball! He is nearly 30, and like I said, out of shape. He just came home and tells me he thinks he’s torn the muscles in the front of his legs. Torn, or just really pulled, I don’t know. So, what should he do about it? Any strecthes?And don’t say ‘See a doctor’ because he NEVER goes to the doc. Plus, it’s not that serious since he’s not having excrutiating pain.
A: Torn? You need to see a sports med doc about that. Really don’t let it go, go get it checked out because it could cause you problems later.If you think it might be just pulled really bad.Always remember RICE.RestIceCompressionElevation.
What to do for a Pulled/torn quad muscle?
Q: I play soccer and I Pulled/Torn my thigh…..not sure which. What should I do to make it heal the fastest and be less painful??THANK YOU
A: stay off of it… let it rest and heal… simple as that man.. there is no miracle way of healing it… just needs time!as the saying goes… time heals all wounds!

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