Do push ups build your chest muscles

Do push ups build your chest muscles

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Do push ups build your chest muscles”,you can compare them.

Yes push ups can be done to tone your chest and increase your upper-body strength. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do push ups build your chest muscles
What type of push ups build chest muscles and burn chest fat??
burning chest fat is more due to overall diet and cardio. You cant spot reduce. My suggestion is to do pushups with varying hand placement to hit the chest. Wide hands tends to focus on the chest, narrow or diamond hit the triceps an front …
Do push ups really build chest muscle?
yes, but weights of course would be better. Just do three sets of as many reps as you can until exhaustion. To get a complete chest workout, vary the position of your legs and hands:・ 1) put your feet up on a chair – this changes the angle …
How to Build Every Muscle in the Upper Chest With Push-Ups?
・ 1 Elevate your feet. To work the upper chest muscles, you need to be in an inclined position with your… ・ 2 Bring in the BOSU. The BOSU balance trainer is a functional training tool that looks like a stability… ・ 3 Do pike push-ups. P…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What type of push ups build chest muscles and burn chest fat?
Q: I have abs and all i just got puffy nipples so im trying to build muscle and burn the nipple fat. i want my chest to tighten. So what kind of push ups wide arm or diamond? how many should i do a day so i can get it muscular in a few weeks? Or do i need to add some running too? And any other ways to loose that nipple fat!!and its not gynecomastia
A: cardiovascular excercise(running) while building muscle. You’ll shrink the muscle. You gain by lifting heavy weights for less reps. You gain while your resting.
What works better for building your chest muscles, push-ups or a weight machine?
A: Bench press with free weights. Also do flys with dumbbells.
What method of press-ups (push-ups) works best to build chest muscle size?
Q: Have recently started going to the gym and doing weights to build my muscle size and strength. Been recommended to do press-ups/push-ups to build chest muscle.What method works best? Is it best to do them continuously one after another until I can’t do any more? Or do a fixed number, say 10 in a row, then rest and repeat, and continue this way until I can’t do any more?
A: A full push-up is from the “up position” (arms in full extension-elbows straight), keeping the back straight, lowering your body down then back up. Count full push-ups for 1 full minute

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