Do you burn more calories when its warm or when its cold

Do you burn more calories when its warm or when its cold

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Do you burn more calories when its warm or when its cold”,you can compare them.

You actually burn more calories exercising in winter because your body has to work hard to keep itself warm. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you burn more calories when its warm or when its cold
Is it true that you burn more calories walking in the cold/winter…?
yes your body does require more energy when its cold outside to help in running its metabolism so you do burn more, you can also eat more and need to drink plenty too Also check out this blog for great advice on nutrition and fitness: http:…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

do you burn calories more when its warm or cold?
A: When it is cold to try to keep your body warm
is it true that you burn more calories when you are cold.. because you body is trying to keep yourself warm?
Q: is this true?i mean it makes sense to me because you need food/calories to do basic functions. I am sure it takes energy to keep your body at the right temperature.So if you are cold do you burn more calories trying to keep yourself warm?so for instance if i slept with the fan on, and i was a little cold, would it make a difference?
A: your body works harder to keep you warm but it really isnt a significant amount of calories that are burned
Do you burn most calories when you’re cold or warm?
Q: Do you burn most calories when you’re cold or warm? When you’re cold I guess your body use energy to try to get you warmer, but when you’re warm, your heart seem to beat stronger and your blood flow increases, so I was wondering, do you burn most calories when you’re cold, warm or normal?Best answer will be awarded with 10 points.
A: I believe it to be when you are cold.When you are cold, your body tries to warm itself up, hairs raise on your arms, and on the extreme end is shivering.I would think what you’re explaining being the allusion of a higher blood flow when you are warm, would be explained by the fact that liquids increase in volume when they are warmer (the whole, ice cube are smaller than the tray thing) and so having more (or a higher volume of) blood in the canals would mean it would be able to (and would have to) flow faster around the body.

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