How can you get rid of armpit fat

How can you get rid of armpit fat

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Try push-ups, chest presses and chin-ups. Thanks for ChaCha-ing!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you get rid of armpit fat
The same way you get rid of any fat- eat right and exercise. You can’t specifically target your armpits. You’ll lose fat from your entire body, some of which will be from your armpit areas. If you feel you have a disproportionate amount of …
do pushups and workout that part. also do chest workouts such as benching and dumbell flys.
Unfortunately there is no way to target where you loose fat. Diet and exercise are what you need to start loosing weight, your body uses the excess fat for fuel. Your body can’t selectively take fat from certain areas of your body. Good luc…

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How do you get rid of armpit fat?
Q: I am 5’2 and 115. Not fat at all but I have huge natural boobs (36DD). As a result, I have more fat in that area and I have weird armpit fat. I have thin arms but when I wear tank tops, my armpit fat hangs out. Does anyone know what I’m talking about? It’s gross. Anyway, what exercises can I do to get rid of that?
A: get two dumbells and a weight bench. Lay down on the bench with the dumbells and hold them out to your sides. Slowly pull them together inward, kinda like a hug. Those are called butterflies and if you do about 3-5 sets of about 10 reps each, you should start seeing some changes in a few weeks. Do them about 2-3 times a week. Just remember, the lighter the dumbells are, the more reps you need to do, the heavier they are, then the less amount of reps you need to do.
How can i get rid of armpit fat?
Q: my graduation is in 4 weeks and i got my dress but i have armpit fat and it looks really unattractive. so how can i get rid of it? im 5’5 and 128 pounds so maybe its just my overweight body fat… pleez help!!
A: You can generally not loose spot loose fat. You should make sure you do as much exercise as you can before the graduation. Get some light weights and do aerobic exercises whilst holding them. Do it for an hour every day and you will definately notice a difference.A;sp just try to be as active as you possibly can
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Q: I know that you can’t spot train and I am doing lots of cardio to get rid of fat in general, but with my weight gain I gained weight in places that have been hard to lose – including my armpits! Any suggestions on how to get my nice toned arms back more efficiently? ThanksI see school is still not in session – hence the immature answers. I APPRECIATE the serious responses.
A: Commiting suiside

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