How can you pop your lower back

How can you pop your lower back

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you pop your lower back”,you can compare them.

You can try twisting your back both ways as far as you can. Be very careful popping your back. It can have serious consequences. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you pop your lower back
That’s not always a good idea, especially if there has been damage. Lower back problems can lead to serious, permanent damage.
none, and stop walking on his back, unless you understand how muscles and nerves relate to the spinal chord etc, you could be providing immediate relief, but it more than likely cause him to need it more. don’t be a tightwad, and go to a ch…
My I suggest reputable local Chiropractor. The back & neck are very prone to injury if you do something wrong. and it doesn’t take much to screw up one’s neck and back. Relaxing in a tub of warm/hot tub my give you the release of the te…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you pop your lower back?
Q: My b/f has me walk on his back at night, to pop it after working all day. It pops just fine until I get to the lower back, then it wont pop at all. What are some methods, besides going to the chiropractor, to get his back to pop?
A: none, and stop walking on his back, unless you understand how muscles and nerves relate to the spinal chord etc, you could be providing immediate relief, but it more than likely cause him to need it more. don’t be a tightwad, and go to a chiropractor, you will see what i am referring to. you can really cause many future problems if you continue. you cannot “pop” your own back safely, just like you cannot do your own dentistry. stick to a firm massage, (or have him go to a Massage therapist, mot a massage parlor) with the palms of your hands, place warm towels on his back. but please, don’t continue walking on his back, you really don’t understand what your messing with, the back is the most important link to the brain, and it’s easy to cause severe damage.don’t meswith someone or your own spine, people have inflicted very innocently major problems on themselves and others. but you can’t go wrong with a massage.
how do you to pop your lower back?
Q: i have exetreme lower back pain and i cant go to a chiropractor. I need a way to pop my lower back at home!!!
A: lay down on your back. Take your right leg and place your right foot right above your left knee. rotate in that position just your legs to the left side of you, and vice versa. This usally does it for me. Hope that helps!
How can I pop the lower part of my back by myself?
Q: The lower middle part of my back is killing me. And it feels like it needs to be popped!! HELP!
A: find something firm like a table a low wall a chair put it at the low end of your back and bend backwards always works for me…also lying down on my stomach and then flexing my lower back upwards will often cause it to pop

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