How can you tell if your too skinny

How can you tell if your too skinny

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you tell if your too skinny”,you can compare them.

Well one way to tell, is to calculate your BMI (Body mass index). Underweight is anything less than 18.5. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you tell if your too skinny
How can you tell if you are too skinny?
Go to a scale that measures body fat and if itz below 15% fat than you are too skinny.
Am i too skinny?
Here is a healthy way not just junk food. Step 1 Eat nutritious foods that are high in calories. Examples are whole-grain breads, vegetables such as avocados and potatoes, kidney beans, lean red meat, poultry and fish. Step2 Increase the ca…
How skinny is too skinny?
Like people who have anorexa, belimia, etc… there are some people (possibly you) who work out to much, Exercising, like many things, is great in moderation. But it’s definitely possible to push yourself too hard in the gym. Joint or muscl…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you tell if your to skinny?
Q: Hi Everyone!I’m an active 6’4, 21 year old female and weigh in at 170lbs.Lately I’ve been getting alot of people coming up to me saying “You should gain weight” and “Your to skinny”Is there anyway you can tell if your to skinny? Like do certain bones show up?Thanks,
A: when your legs are skinnier than your knees, and your arms are skinnier than your elbows….stop dieting,your too skinny!!!!!
If your too skinny, how do you know? Do they keep telling you that or you tell yourself that?
Q: If your too big how do you know? Do you tell yourself that or are others telling you that?Peace to you for eternity inshAllah 🙂 – Batman Justice League CPU 🙂
A: Unless you have an eating disorder you know when your too anything. All it takes is a good look in the mirror. There were non scientific studies of 10 to 12 year old kids, boys and girls, that were asked to look at pictures of various people and to say if they were to fat or skinny and they said almost everyone in the pictures except Kate Moss the stick figure model, was fat. that list of fat included Maria Sharapova, they saw a woman’s natural shape as fat because of their hips. So this is the world that girls are growing up in .How are any girls that naturally develop a normal woman’s shape not be thought of as fat? The very curves that women have, the things that make men stop and stare with admiration are thought of as bad and unbecoming to the generation that started life around the new millennium. And at the same time there are more fat kids than ever before. This country is screwed up bad enough with out having girls try to hide the fact they are becoming women so they are not thought of as Fat. On the other hand we have 12 year olds with heart disease, who are never going to be in good health because of having bad food choices pushed at them daily on TV? Just mind boggling what is going on in this country, Natural is bad, but you have fat friends that may not live very long and you don’t think much about that.
Is eating unhealthy because your too skinny an eating disorder?
Q: People used to tell me i was too skinny so i ate more. even if i wasnt hungry. i just ate, ate, and ate to gain weight. is this an eating disorder?
A: no. just unhealthy.

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