How do obese people loose weight

How do obese people loose weight

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do obese people loose weight”,you can compare them.

Everyone loses weight the same way. You simply have to consume less calories than ur resting metabolic rate. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do obese people loose weight
Why dont obese people loose weight ?
Your presentation is hard to read with all the camera jerking and it is very judgmental. Obesity is a personal problem yes, but as a society we don’t do a very good job about educating people about proper nutrition either. Our school lunch …
Why Obese People Can’t Lose Weight
The rate of morbid obesity is higher than ever in America. Many obese say they’ve tried exercise and still, the weight wouldn’t come off. Well, there’s a reason why, in many cases, exercise does not work for the obese. I was perusing the MS…
Do you help obese people with weight loss
Of course! We take clients ranging from kids to seniors with goals ranging from weight loss to athletics. Most of our clients are here to lose weight. It is a very comfortable environment for an obese individual. But remember we are not goi…

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Q: I am skinny and honestly don’t understand it. I dont understand how can someone with hypoglycemia and who is overweight cant seem to understand why loosing weight would be a positive thing. Can someone shed some light on this. I told him tonight he is the major part of the population. He always tells me he’ws ugly and wishes woman would look at him but omg i havent seen his atoms apple in 6 years.
A: First of all I am certain that fat people are aware Of the damage that they are causing themselvesand I am sure that almost 90% of these people would love to loose weight. But its not as simple as you make it sound.Its not just about their health and just melting a couple pounds away in a quickness. You are talking about breaking habits that we have adapted to for years….and years. This is not only physical but Psychological as well. You cannot just tell someone to loose weight and expect it to happen.Its a long process that you have to be willing to take, And commit to it. Because if you are not determined to do thisyou can’t really get far. Also its necessary to get the right support- Meaning family and friends that will actually support and help you instead of criticize and judge everything you do….The last thing you want to do is depress a fat person..My advice to you is to work with his mind, prepare him and encourage him to want to take the next step for himself.You must work with his mind before working with the bodyYou see its not enough for you to want him to loose weight He must want to do this himself and recognize that he is capable of doing so. I wish you and him the best in the world.:)
how does an obese person loose weight in a healthy way?
Q: My friend Melissa is obese ( about 110 kg) and she is sick of it and wants to excercise with me. Im trying to help her sort out a proper excercise routine that will suit her, because she tried little amounts of my workout routine and it was too hard for her.any realisitic and helpfull suggestions? Also any eating advice? (especially from those who have done it or are proffessionals) For a while now shes been walking slowly for half an hour a day and using the stationary bike on the lowest setting at a slow pace for 20 mins a day. Will this help?I really want to see her nail this!Thanks.
A: Tell your friend CONGRATULATIONS for a great start to her new life….. If she increases her exercises just a little every week… add a few minutes to her walking and or add a little tension to the bike these things will help her get stronger and fitter and will also help lose some weight… AND she needs to know that every litre of muscle weighs more than every litre of fat so as she gains muscles her weight will plateau for a little while but dont worry just keep doing what your doing and she will start to lose weight again soon enough…It is not wise to really go hungry for long periods of time or to change the amount you eat suddenly this puts thehuman body into what is known as starvation mode…. in this mode the body will do what it can to preserve weight…. it will resist burning fat….Sooooo the way to overcome that is to start by changing what she eats…. not how much… but what it is that she is eating..if she begins to eat more raw fruit and vegetables and drink more water… lots of water is good….. and eat less of the things high in sugar and fats……Also taking vitamin B helps give her more energy so that she will feel more like doing the exercises…..Remind her that she did not get to be obese overnight… and undoing it will take a long time too….and just allow her to do this at her pace and in a way that suits her… she has got to do this for herself and have control over the process too…..Best of luck to you both…
Why dont obese people loose weight ?
Q: my presentation……..what do you think about obesity
A: Your presentation is hard to read with all the camera jerking and it is very judgmental. Obesity is a personal problem yes, but as a society we don’t do a very good job about educating people about proper nutrition either. Our school lunch programs are a joke. Most people who are overweight are victims of other things like they end up eating out or fast food because they think they are too busy to cook healthy nutritious meals at home etc. I was overweight at one point and lost 50 lbs by looking up and educating myself on food, nutrition, and exercise. It can be done, but I don’t judge other people or simply say they are “fat” because they only choose to eat junk food etc. It’s easy to preach to people, perhaps you should try some compassion and offering solutions that are a bit more far reaching than just “put down the cheeseburger and walk an hour a day”…. Perhaps talk about what we can do to improve physical education and nutrtion in our school systems so that children have a good background or cover things like the over abundance of additives like high fructose corn syrup to so many foods that many people don’t realize is as harmful as it is.

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