How do you loose 5 puonds in one day

How do you loose 5 puonds in one day

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Wrestlers and Martial artist use dehydration techniques just prior to weigh in though this can be very dangerous. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you loose 5 puonds in one day
Is it possible to loose 2-5 pounds in one day??
Yes – I lost too much – 30 lbs. by not overeating – I gained by pizza,etc. to 192 lbs. -fast foods will make you fat ! Viviana
How can you loose 10 pounds by jumproping?
It depends on how long your jump roping and if you take breaks. Most likly if someone was jumproping and lost 10 punds in one day thats quite impossable. Tip the more you weigh the more weight you can loose.
What can you do to loose 5 pounds in a day?
you can’t loose 5 pounds in one day. but try looosing 2 pounds per week, and in 3 weeks you should be down some weight.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to lose about 2-4 pounds every day?
Q: I havent been eating much every day. mostly only one thing every day. It has been 4 days now. and Im starting to use a bike like excerising tool and also a walking/running tool too. if I use it for just about 30-40 minutes every day and eat only once or twice a day. how many puonds will i loose in just 5 weeks total? Thanks for you answers.
A: Ok first you HAVE to know that you just can’t lose 4 pounds a day. You can fall for those stupid gimmicks and fad diets out there but they don’t work. Diets also don’t work. You’ll lose weight for a bit, then you’ll put it all back on…plus some extra. And that’s really bad for you.Losing weight and keeping it off is a commitment. Don’t starve yourself because firstly it’s unhealthy, secondly you get MORE fat, and thirdly you get even MORE fat because you’re most likely to rebound with your appetite and suddenly eat a lot, while your metabolism is low (because you were starving yourself) which will of course result in…….gaining weight dramatically.To keep your metabolism up and running, exercise before breakfast. This’ll kick-start your metabolism, and also eat a big healthy breakfast. Drink a lot of water throughout the day as well, as this also keeps the metabolism going. Instead of going for chips, go for something else like pretzels. If you hate drinking just water for the whole day, you could add a bit of flavoured water to your diet. Swimming is good as it uses every muscle in your body. You could also go out and play some sort of sport with your friends….or maybe…I dunno, climb a mountain? lol…but most importantly make it fun so it’s not boring.Tell you what else is boring…..cardio. High intensity interval training is much better. That means instead of exercising at one same steady pace for ages, do short big bursts every…30 seconds to 2 minutes. Take it easy and good luck =)
i eat very little, why is it taking time to loose weight?
Q: ok well ive been full vegetarian-vegan for 4 weeks now… i eat very little like Special K cereal once or twice and just one sandwitch with alot of vegetables and very little faux chicken( the bread is low fat) so thats basically what ill do for one day, is it ok to eat this little? ill also have fruit or water as snacks…but ok ive only lost like 5 puonds in 4 weeks, i eat very little ,dont exercise…i dont need to loose that much weight just like 20 puonds… so yes is it ok that im eating this much or this little? or is it just the right amount? why havent i lost that much weight?
A: Our bodies try to maintain the same weight a lot of the time. It’ll stay at the same weight for a while, and it will loose or gain to that level. If you’ve ever had a day where you binged and haven’t gained weight, it’s the same principle. It often takes a while for our bodies to raise or drop the bar at which it maintains it’s weight. What I’m saying is keep it up. It will take a bit. Also, once you reach your desired weight, you will need to be careful and still watch yourself as you will just go right back up again to where you were before if you’re not careful.
I want to loose 20 puonds in 2 months is there any remedies besides exercise and dieting?
Q: Hello everyone! I had a baby a year and a half ago and after the birth I gained 20 pounds over of what I had gained during the pregnancy. I have tried diet pills, exercising, liquid diet with only one meal a day and nothing works in matter of fact I think I just gained 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I have always had a big behind and thick legs to go with it and it did look cute but its not looking cute if theres a gut to with it. With the first kid it was easy to loose the weight. I honestly dont know what else to do.Please does anyone know of any home remedies that i could use that actualy works?Thanks.oops! I just noticed I spelled pounds wrong. Thanks to that guy..
A: First, make sure that you are healthy, no diabetes, no heart stuff, and check to see what you should weigh for your bone structure, height, AND family genes (which are important). Some women never get rid of that extra 10 to 20 lbs., others can eat you out of house and home and never put on a pound.Worrying about weight actually makes you think about food more. The word “diet” is a bad word too. Eating right is the only way. LOTS of quick diets only last a quick time. You can lose a lot of water with pills, but your body needs a lot of water to lose weight. Our family is Native American and Scotch and Sephardic. Weight is easy for us to put on. My sister found it easier with doc’s help to eat 6 smaller meals each day. Kept to 1200 to 1500 calories daily with 2 glasses of water with each meal. She lost 15 lbs. first month, 10 the second and 5 the third. She added more carbs the 2nd and 3rd month and it made a difference. So she cut out white sugar, white flour and corn, potatoes (kept the sweet), rice, but eats brown, uses grapeseed oil and walnut oil. She feels a lot better and some months hardly looses, but the weight has shifted, has more muscle then fat, but muscle weights more, so she bikes with her kids and hates running, but like roller skating. You don’t have to over do it, live. You have kids and the time is short. You marriage needs work too, not just your body and if you can make good looking low fat carb, meals romantic, or picnics, with husband, isn’t his view important? So lots of high fiber salads, like with turkey, chicken pea pods, spinach, peppers, onions, scallions, mushrooms, gluten free muffins (yes, you can have muffins, breads and even cookies, low carb). My sister takes a few hours off at night to fix a weeks worth of cooked mushrooms, peppers, onions, and other ingredients and freezes into individual packets to thaw and heat when mixing with other stuff. She also has yogurt and 1/2 banana for breakfast, midmorning a gluten-free cookie and green hot tea, lunch vegetable soup with brown bread (gluten free), and ice tea, mid afternoon, fruit with fish or meat salad or just a fruit salad with cottage cheese, dinner a hot meal with hubbie, before bed, muffin or 1/2 a low carb sand., or gluten crackers with cashew butter and 1/2 glass of low fat milk … Sometimes she makes low fat ice cream with real fruit, or a smoothie with tofu. There are so many good recipes on line that take little time to make. You will lose slowly if you eat well and drink water and be involved in family, your mental and physical health is so important. Gut someones will get smaller, but nothing like situps to tone you, but biking will help, otherwise look at your children and if you had a choice we all would grow older gracefully with them and stay as healthy as long as possible. Good Luck.

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