How do you lose fat

How do you lose fat

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you lose fat”,you can compare them.

You can lose fat by exercising daily, strength training and a healthy diet. The last resort is surgery or liposuction. Consult your doctor. Thank you for using ChaCha!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you lose fat
I would like to know more about losing fat. I have about 25 pounds of fat to lose and I am walking, and training to be able to jog and run more than a minute at a time, to change my body’s “set point” so that I will lose fat natur…—-i-have-the-book-marathoning-for-mortals-by-you-and-jenny-hadfield-i-would-like-to-know-more-about-losing-f.html
・ 1 So in your first day you need to start with some exercises. Most of the people are to lazy for exercising… ・ 2 Also a good way for getting rid of some weight is, knowing how to eat your food. Lately people do not… ・ 3 Vegetables are…
lift weights, do cruches every other night, drink lot’s of water, lay off on the sweets, and stick to this! Ihope i helped you and if i didn’t sorry!

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A: You probably wont like my answer but here goes the truth, there is no such thing as spot reduction. You can’t just loose weight off of your legs alone. Your body stores fat wherever it wants and burns it during your workouts from wherever it wants. It’s all in your genes. Your best bet would be to up your cardio, watch what you eat and your body will take care of the rest. Hope this helps.
Am I fat to you how much weight should I lose(pic)????
Q: I put this in the wrong place oops anywho I want to lose some weight heres my how much weight should I lose??thxsI dont want freaking attaion i just want to know if i need to lose weight god!
A: There are no photos of your body, how can I tell if you need to lose weight?

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