How long does it take to lose 20 pounds

How long does it take to lose 20 pounds

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If the intent is to keep the weight off, it should be lost slowly, at about 2 pounds per week. That’s 10 weeks for 20 pounds. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take to lose 20 pounds
It all depends on your intake of calories per day. Now you want to base your diet on about 1500 to 2000 calories a day. Do about an hour of cardio a day, 4-5 days a week, watch your food and you will see results in about a month or 2.
2 to 3 months. I lost 105 pounds in 6 months. Here is how I did it. 1. Every morning get up and walk for 45 minutes. You can start with less time, but you want to get up to 45 minutes, and it must be fast walk. You want your heart rate to g…
The easiest fastest HEALTHIEST way to loose weight is by exercise, and eating properly and in moderation. You need a minimum of 1200 calories per day. Any less and you will start having health problems. 20 pounds is not that much. Follow th…

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About how long does it take to lose 20 pounds?
Q: I need to seriously lose some weight! I want to know about how long it will take me to lose 20 pounds..and also, what should I do to lose these 20 pounds without having to starve myself?
A: It will take about the same period of time it took to put it on. That is, if you want to keep it off for good. Do not crash diet. Won’t work. You’ll put the weight back plus more just as soon as you start eating normally again. Guaranteed.You need to change a lifestyle to a healthier one. That would include daily exercise if it is only walking briskly for 15-20 minutes. It would be more than you are currently doing. Anything you do that is more than you are currently doing will burn extra calories.Keep something in mine: Everything you put into your mouth has calories. A calorie is a measure of energy. It is fuel.Your body needs to burn fuel in order to function. How much? Well I’ll tell you. If you take in more fuel than your body can burn, it will store the fuel in the form of fat. It does that as a protection against that day when it may not get enough fuel. It will then pull the fat off the body and burn it so you won’t starve to death.Ok, now. If you take in less fuel (calories), your body has no choice but to pull the fat from your body and burn it! How about that!!! Also, if you increase your exercise, your body needs to burn more fuel and if you don’t take it in, it will pull from the fat to burn it instead. Get it?So the key: Take in less calories (fuel). Limit your calories to 1500/day. Learn to read labels. Write down the calories of what you eat daily. Learn portion sizes. Eat no fat. Fat does nothing for you but add to fat. Your body does not need fat intake. You will get enough in hidden fat in a course of your day. Limit red meat. It is chocked full of hidden fat. Do not eat fried foods. The oil is another fat and is counted the same as bacon fat or other animal fat. Even french fries. If it is cooked in fat or oil,(chips too) it will go to fat.Limit carbs to one each meal (it it’s white its a carb. Also breads of any color are carbs). Eat tons and tons of veggies cooked or uncooked. All green veggies are VERY good for you and have little to no calories. (You generally burn more calories chewing the veggie than the veggie has in it) Eat tons and tons of skinless chicken or fish of any kind as long as it is baked or broiled (microwaved)….just not fried. You can fill up on veggies and chicken/fish. Fruit is good, but don’t pig out. They have lots of fruit sugars which make them high in calories.Limit fast foods (avg. burger,fries and drink can have 1/2 your day’s supply of calories in them plus loads of fat)No pizzas, chips/dips, only diet sodas, use Splenda to sweeten your tea/coffee, etc. You can cook with Splenda too.(I make fudge with Splenda….recipe on the bag).Limit all dairy products to low fat/no fat stuff.Learn to eat right, moderate exercise and you WILL loose weight the healthy way and keep it off! If you want that piece of pie or cake, work it into your daily calorie intake, not added to your limit.Oh, beer and alcoholic bev. are loaded with calories. If you want some, work them into your calorie count too. You gotta sacrifice a meal in order to splurge….Remember that.Hope this helpsI am an RN
how long does it take to lose 20 pounds?
Q: im starting to go to the gym next week, im planning to go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week for 3hours a day. also i dont eat much food and i often skip meals, i order low calorie food at restaurants.. so how long do u think i can lose 20 pounds?!
A: If you are exercising that much, do yourself a favor and eat 1700-2000 calories a day of HEALTHY FOOD without skipping meals. If you skip meals, and don’t eat much, you are gonna gain weight back eventually. the good news is that you could probably lose like 2 pounds a week if you do that. So 20 pounds would take 2 and a half months.
How long does lose 20 pounds if I run 3 to 4 miles every days?
Q: I want to lose 20 pounds by running three to four miles every daysI am five feet weight 118 pounds. i want to know how it will take me to 20 pounds if i am on a diet and exercrise.
A: Lets say 2 ibs per week which will be your average some weeks will be higher.10 weeks or about 2 and 1/2 months. It might take you longer. However you need to plan your calorie intake versus output to measure it better. I am unsure how many calories your burning just getting your 3 to 4 miles a day. Also you need to throw in some other exercises in than just running.

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