How many calories do you burn by doing 200 sit ups

How many calories do you burn by doing 200 sit ups

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories do you burn by doing 200 sit ups”,you can compare them.

About 400 calories-about the same as any cardio like running. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories do you burn by doing 200 sit ups
How many calories do i burn when doing sit ups??
Very few. If you do 40 situps a minute, you burn about 2 calories. So, 2 x 10 = 20 calories for ten minutes. Sit-ups are not effective cardio. Try running. Mr Niceguy is way off. If he did the math, you would burn 1200 calories in a hour of…
How many calories do sit-ups burn?
Calories is a big subject when it comes to weight loss. We need to learn 3 definitions: the volume of calories in our food, the volume of calories a specific activity uses up each hour, and finally our own personal daily allowance of calori…
How many calories are burned with sit ups?
Situps are a very intensive exercise. Like, over a thousand calories an hour. So the question is, can you do situps for an hour? If you can’t, then you’re better off doing something that you CAN do for at least an hour. Better still, som…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how many calories do you burn in 200 sit ups?
Q: i do 200 sit ups a day, and i was wondering how many calories it burns off.
A: Not as many as you’d think, I’m afraid. A 130-lb person burns about 78 calories while doing 10 minutes worth of sit-ups. The good news is that you build muscle doing exercises like sit-ups. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so they increase your metabolism the slightest bit.The best calorie-burning activities are cardiovascular – things like running, biking, and kick-boxing. Try to add some of these to your routine if you’re looking to burn calories and lose fat.
does anyone know how many calories you burn with 200 sit-ups?
A: Not that many. Less than 50 probably.
How many calories do you burn when you do 200 sit ups and 200 crunches?
Q: I know it shouldn’t be in this categories but when i put it in the right one i just got spam
A: Not very much, 80-100?

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