How many calories does an hour of Zumba burn

How many calories does an hour of Zumba burn

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories does an hour of Zumba burn”,you can compare them.

An average Zumba class can burn from 500 to 800 calories! You can burn more or less depending on your intensity and fitness level. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories does an hour of Zumba burn
How Many Calories Do You Burn During One Hour of Zumba??
Finding an enjoyable workout can be tricky, and staying with it can be even harder. Over the past decade, Zumba, a dance-based fitness routine, has been gaining popularity in homes and gyms around…
How many calories does a full hour of Zumba burn?
Google tells me its anywhere from 500 to 1000 per hour. I hear it makes you sweat a lot too lol.
How many calories can I burn during a one hour Zumba class??
That is totally up to you.  The more you move your arms or shake your hips, the more calories you will loose and sculpt your body. Generally you can burn between 500 and 800 calories an hour.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many calories does a full hour of Zumba burn?
Q: Any estimations?
A: Google tells me its anywhere from 500 to 1000 per hour. I hear it makes you sweat a lot too lol.
how many calories can i burn in an hour?
Q: dancing for an hour in my gym zumba class merengue mix cumbia and salsa. its an hour long and i hardly take any breaks. we dance fast. im 174 lbs and 5’3 height im 20 years old. how much would i burn?
A: wow alot, roughly 700 caloriessss, depends wat you have eaten 🙂
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Q: Zumba and Bike are 1 hour and Bellydancing is and hour and a half. I like to know amount of calories please.
A: Try each one and see what you like. What burns the most calories is what you are more likely to enjoy and stick to on a regular basis.

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