How much can the great khali bench press

How much can the great khali bench press

Health related question in topics Fitness History .We found some answers as below for this question “How much can the great khali bench press”,you can compare them.

The Great Khali has maxed out on bench press at 600 pounds. He is a very large and strong man. Thanks ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much can the great khali bench press
How much does the great khali bench press?
1090 pounds NO! the great khali can not bench press 1090 pounds. No human can, nor ever will, bench press, legitamately, that much weight, without assistance. A better estimate for this guy would be between 400 and 475 pounds, since he is t…
How much can the Great Khali and Mark Henry bench press??
Mark Henry can bench press over 700 pounds Tazz said yesterday when he was facing Kane on ECW, i am not sure about Khali but somewhere around 500 pounds.
What can the average 17-year-old bench press?
It all depends on how much you weight, how long you have lifted and many other factors. A good scale to follow by is your body weight. The average 17 year old should be benching at or above your body weight.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much can the Great Khali and Mark Henry bench press?
A: Mark Henry can bench press over 700 pounds Tazz said yesterday when he was facing Kane on ECW, i am not sure about Khali but somewhere around 500 pounds.
how much you think the Big Show or the Great Khali can Bench?
Q: i know the world record is 1010 pounds but i think Khali’s max in bench press should atleast be 800 pounds but Big Show should atleast be able to do 900 or 950 pounds. What yall think?
A: I think the Big Show could bench press a Buick!!Points Baby!!
Is The Great Khali stronger than Mark Henry?
Q: On Smackdown Michael Cole said that The Great Khali bench presses 600 pounds and Mark Henry bench presses 500 pounds but were told that Mark Henry is the World’s strongest man. That just doesn’t make sense to me.
A: The Great Khali is stronger.Mark Henry won the Arnold’s Strongman Chanllenge in 2002 but he still claims himslf the Worlds Strongest Man for some reason.

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