How much should you weigh if you are 5’5, 17 years old, and a girl

How much should you weigh if you are 5’5, 17 years old, and a girl

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How much should you weigh if you are 5’5, 17 years old, and a girl”,you can compare them.

If you are 64 inches tall and age 17 your weight range is 115 – 120 pounds. 18-20 years is 125-130 pounds. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much should you weigh if you are 5’5, 17 years old, and a girl
How much should a 17 year old 5 foot girl weigh??
she should weight about 120-132 pounds
How much should a 5’6 17 year old girl weigh??
weight means nothing in this case, thats why height/weight charts are obsolete, the truth is muscles can throw this off, imma 5’10.5″ guy thats about 170 lbs, thats sounds about right but im skinny cuz my muscles weight alot, Im 18 and…
How Much Should A 17 Year Old Girl Weigh Who’s 5?
I have a 17 yr old and she is 5′ 2″, weighs 110 pounds so about 100 is good. It also depends on your body type/bone structure but that seems like a healthy weight.

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