If you lose weight do stretchmarks disappear

If you lose weight do stretchmarks disappear

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “If you lose weight do stretchmarks disappear”,you can compare them.

No. There are creams and treatments available to help, but usually they don’t disappear on their own. Stretch marks often start off as reddish or purplish in color, then become glossy skin that appears streaked in silver or white. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-lose-weight-do-stretchmarks-disappear ]
More Answers to “If you lose weight do stretchmarks disappear
Will my stretch marks disappear after i lose weight??
no, they wont… the only way to remove stretch marks is with laser treatment…. but if you loose the extra weight and exercise your stretch marks will shrink and become less notables.
Would losing weight help out these stretch marks and cellulite to…?
It is frequent for women to have stretch marks and cellulite. Loosing weight would not help. There are a few things that you could follow: Have a good dieting system, exercise and try to use stretch mark creams.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I have lots of stretchmarks im of course im overweight if i lose weight will they disappear?
A: no. they will fade with time but the only way to get rid of them completely is with surgery. cocoa butter or vitamin e creams can help fade the appearance of them.
If you lose weight will your stretch marks disappear?
Q: this question is not for me but if you lose a huge amoubt of weight like 4 stones would you stretchmarks from your stomach and thishs go
A: Stretch marks occur due to sudden growth of the body and occurs in various body parts.Proper oinment reduces the marks.
Remove stretchmarks?
Q: Is there any method that fades stretchmarks away besides rubbing creams in like BioOil? Are they permanent? Will they disappear if I lose weight?Stretchmarks blow. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
A: I have to agree that stretch marks are fairly unattractive!You can use the creams or you can have cosmetic surgery. There are a couple different types and they may not be permanent but they will drastically reduce the visibility. Tanned stretch marks look a lot better than the latter so make sure you get lots of sun too.Good luck!!http://searchwarp.com/swa5871.htmhttp://www.medicinenet.com/stretch_marks/article.htm

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