What are some good exercises to build muscle and lose fat

What are some good exercises to build muscle and lose fat

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Anything that gets your heart rate up will help you lose fat and tone up all over. Boxing is good. So are aerobics. Running and swimming too. Or weight training. Good luck. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-good-exercises-to-build-muscle-and-lose-fat ]
More Answers to “What are some good exercises to build muscle and lose fat
Should i try to build muscle by working out or lose fat by exerci…?
You’re at a perfect time to start lifting weights, and it will not stunt your growth. Since you are a beginner, you will be able to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. I would highly recommend some sort of beginner program involving …
What’s The Best Exercise To Lose Pure Fat && Not Build Mu…?
Not build muscle? Why not? Muscle is what gives you curves. Do you want to look anorexic? Girls with muscles are hot! I guess you don’t want to look good.
How does exercise help you lose weight if muscle builds on fat??
Muscle doesn’t build fat (it burns it) and muscle weighs more than fat. If you became a body builder and had good muscles and then years later didn’t bother to keep up your exercise regime this is when the muscle would turn to fat. Muscle c…

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A: hey! there’s no need to buy equipment. do 3 sets of 10 lounges and same with squats. start by adding 5 more reps every two weeks or so. i promise you’ll see results soon, and feel them too. just make sure you do them right so you don’t pull a muscle.
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A: Eating is more importantHigh intensity cardio (i.e. sprints) and weight training.Pick your primary goal and focus on that or you will be in limbo.
i need a good exercise to build muscle and lose fat in 1 month!!!!?
Q: okay so im in vacations right now and i saw all my friends from school last week at the beach and they have been working out over the summer and i havent!!! they look really good and i want to get in shape as well but without going to the gym. I have 2 15 lbs and two 10 lbs weights here at home. I am 14 years old, 5 7, and weigh 150 lbs. Can someone please help me!!!!
A: eat less and eat right. run and do lots of other cardios to lose fat . to build muscle you can lift weights, do yoga.

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