What are some ways to get more flexible muscles

What are some ways to get more flexible muscles

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Stretching both before and after your regular workout will help to keep your muscles in top flexibility. ChaCha for now! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-ways-to-get-more-flexible-muscles ]
More Answers to “What are some ways to get more flexible muscles
What is the simplest way to improve muscular flexibility and join…?
Static stretching is a simple and effective form of flexibility exercise training and is one of the best ways to improve muscular flexibility and joint range of motion. Static stretching involves slowly stretching muscles and connective tis…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I make my muscles more flexible?
Q: Why are some people more flexible than others? I watch the NBA and all the basketball players seem so flexible. Are they born this way, or is there a way that I can train to be more flexible?
A: Nobody is born that way.In order to be flexible you need to strecth your muscles everyday for a couple minutes.You can also try yoga to improve your flexibility.
What would be the best ways to get flexible and tone muscles?
Q: I need some tips on excersises that would stretch out my muscles and tone them down a bit. I let my muscles get outof control during off season and I need to fix it for pro season or I’ll seriously DIE. Help me, please.
A: I don’t know what you mean by toning your muscles down a bit. You can’t tone muscle. It is already tone! Muscle tone is the natural taughtness of a muscle, which allows it to pull on bones and create movemet. Flexibility exercises will help you with your stretching goals. Be sure to stretch when the muscles are warm. In order to create definition in the muscles, you will need to decrease body fat and increase muscle mass.
How can I become more flexible?
Q: I am not flexible at all. I need to be flexible in gymnastics especially. I also need my muscles to be flexible. Do you have any tips or suggestions to become more flexible?I am a 13 year old male by the way.
A: Trying to be a gymnast without flexibility is like trying to be a shot-putter without strength or a juggler without coordination. Don’t try out for shortstop on the high school baseball team if you don’t have coordination either.Summer is coming up, so you can work really hard on your flexibility and go out for next year’s team. At your age, three solid months of flexibility training at half an hour per session would give you more than enough flexibility to excel in gymnastics.You should understand that attempting difficult gymnastic exercises is dangerous without the requisite flexibility. For instance, if a teammate of yours goes into a full split, and you try it without the proper preparation, you can rip muscles so badly you willl feel the pain there virtually forever. The two most effective methods known to increase flexibility are yoga and Pilates. Yoga has been around for thousands of years, Pilates for less than a century, but Joseph Pilates based his own fitness program on yoga. Yoga teaches gradual improvement in flexibility, something we westerners need to work on. We are used to quick fixes, pills and potions for all problems. Yoga teaches us to seek improvement slowly, that only gradual improvement lasts. Read Aesop’s tale about the tortoise and the rabbit. Talk to your parents about your goals. Tell them you want to be a gymnast, if that’s your dream. Tell them you would like to take an introductory yoga class this summer. They may suggest you earn it, perhaps by getting a small paper route. Your writing shows you are on the mature side for your age, so you may be able to learn on your own, reading how to do practice yoga, watching videos. The danger in doing it this way is that you may try to over-extend yourself. Only take each stretch to the point that you feel a little pain. Then, hold your maximum stretch for about fifteen seconds or so. Slow down. Remember, the tortoise wins the race. Small, daily efforts this summer to increase your flexibility will do more for you than a few quick hours just before you go out for next year’s gymnastics team.All my best to you in trying to become more flexible. Flexibility and adaptability are keys to survival–in gymnastics and life.

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