What is a cardiovascular fitness

What is a cardiovascular fitness

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a cardiovascular fitness”,you can compare them.

Cardiovascular fitness is the overall ability of the body to generate energy through the circulation of blood and oxygen. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-cardiovascular-fitness ]
More Answers to “What is a cardiovascular fitness
working out your heart and lungs, usually endurance type exercises
Cardiovascular fitness is basically fitness of the heart as the cardiovascular system is the system that circulates blood throughout the body. Your heart is the main organ responsible for the circulation.
Cardiovascular (or aerobic) fitness is one of the most important components of fitness. It is measured as the amount of oxygen transported in the blood and pumped by the heart to the working muscles and as the efficiency of the muscles to u…

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Q: On the website for the wrestling it says when you first try out you will be put through cardiovascular tests and other fitness tests. What are they?Okay, and what are some examples over them?
A: It is a test that measure someones particular fitness level. It allows the specific organization to judge if someone has met a demand that the organization wants. Basically, it’s used to see if an individual is able to perform accordingly to how that specific organization wants.Edit: There’s a few examples, but they all mainly contain some form of physical activity and running.
How can I be strong physically, fit and have a good cardiovascular fitness?
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A: I would highly recommand a very good product which is a kettlebell.It is a nicely raw iron with many variation of exercise you can do. As for cardiovascular, “The swing” which is the foundational exercise is the best as it develops general fitness and cross over to many other sport. You can google search for kettlebell and know more about it but I believe the best website for it will be dragondoor. The 1st link is on description of kettlebellThe 2nd link is my affilate link to dragondoorThe 3rd link is my blog
What are three common factors that affect cardiovascular fitness?
Q: Name three common factors that affect cardiovascular fitness; explain how each factor influences cardiovascular fitness. please be helpful!!!Thanks!
A: ExerciseDietGenetics

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