What is a good workout to get more defined muscles

What is a good workout to get more defined muscles

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Squats mainly stress the quadriceps (thighs), lower back and the buttocks, they also place secondary stress on the hamstrings, carves, back and abdomen areas. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-workout-to-get-more-defined-muscles ]
More Answers to “What is a good workout to get more defined muscles
Is this a good workout for gaining muscle mass?
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Would this be a good workout to do to just add some more muscle and better defined abs? For a 14 yr old?
Q: 15 Min’s of Jump roping Non Stop. X220 Push ups X3Ab Workoutsand Eating healthy. And add any ab exercises that I should try included with your answer.
A: Sounds good, but if you want something else, I find this the best for upper and lower abs:Lie on your back with your arms flat by your side and raise your knees to your chest. Keeping your feet in the air, straightened your legs. Repeat for as many reps as you want (20 x 3 would be loads). It targets a few muscles that lots of other workouts don’t.
What would be the best workout program for someone not trying to get huge, just more defined?
Q: I’m not trying to get more size, I’m fine with where I’m at, I just want to define my muscles more. I’m also trying to reduce excess body fat so I’m incorporating aerobic exercise in my workout. What do you think would be the best way to tone up and lose some weight? also, what are your views on protein shakes/bars?
A: To define your muscles stay away from compound exercises, which incorporate more than one muscle group to move a weight thru a ‘range of motion’. Those types of moves contribute greatly to adding mass to your frame. They include moves like powercleans, squats, deadlifts, barbell rows, all three bench presses, and require the use of a barbell with ‘plate’ weights for resistence.Instead, focus on isolation movements which usually work one muscle per group. More often than not, ‘machines’ and dumbells are used for this purpose. Some examples – For legs use a leg machine to do leg curls which isoate the hamstrings, leg extensions for the quadriceps, and a calf raise machine to isolate them. For chest use the peck deck machine, for shoulders use barbells and press them above your head while seated or sitting. For biceps, simply do curls with a dumbell etc For realtime vid checkout ex.rx.com, and for a detailed list of isolation moves check abcbodybuilding.comYou may want to incorporate a three day a week circuit weight training class/program where you jump from certain machines to others over the course of an hour to complete a whole body workout. In this case, the muscles will be worked three times a week with high sets, low weights and high reps, so youll definately become toned in no time. A three day whole body split works your muscles groups once, and separately, over 3 days, and is more for lifters who require a workout that has low sets, high weight , and low reps. These lifters require alot of rest for maximum growth, and this split allows for it. You would be better off with the first option of a circuit style lifting regimen.As for aerobics, simply try a brisk walk 4-5 times a week for 45-60 minutes a time. Walking is a simple movement which requires a simple biochemical process to burn bodyfat, which starts 5 minutes after walking. Aerobics and jogging are far more physically ‘involved’ and fat burning can take an extra 15-20 minutes to begin, because the biochemical process to do so is far more complex. Consider walking over aerobics, and youll gain far more bodyfat burning minutes per day and week.Protein shakes and bars are a great resource for rebuilding broken down muscle tissue from lifting weights. If you purchase a powder, make sure it is of a 100% ISOLATE form, and not a concentrated form, as the first is highly digestable /bioavailable and the second is inferior by comparison. Meat eater can go with a whey isolate, while vegetarians can go with a soy protein, and a complete vegan can opt for a vegetable based powder like VEGA from myvega.com.These powders are great post workout to begin rebuilding muscle tissue, and again the next morning with fresh berries and flax oil in a blender shake. As you do not want more size, you may not want to take the morning shake, yet, you should take the powder once a day even when you are on a day off from lifting. This will ensure your muscles are healed and ready for your next lifting session, yet wont become oversized with time in the gym.allmaxnutrtion.com has a great powder ISOFLEX,and bars. genuinehealth.com has a good soy powder, and others powders like the greens+ series which are great 1/2 hour before a workout of any type.
How to get more defined ab muscles and sides?
Q: I work out regularly and i eat healthy for the most part. I do a lot of ab workouts but my ab muscle never seems to show. iwant know know how to get muscles so a 6-pack actually shows. also, i have bigger hips and i was wondering how to get rid of the fat there. thank you !
A: swim laps if you can get to a pool… and don’t eat late at night.

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