What is a way to naturally speed up your metabolism

What is a way to naturally speed up your metabolism

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Natural ways to increase metabolism are exercise, building muscle, eating low fat/low sugar/high fiber, and eating regular meals. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-way-to-naturally-speed-up-your-metabolism ]
More Answers to “What is a way to naturally speed up your metabolism
Is there a way to NATURALLY speed up metabolism?
Yes, do exercise (cardio exercise that is), do weights and eat enough calories (at least1,200 calories a day). Cardio exercise powerfully kickstarts your metabolism into higher gear and it’s the most immediate way to speed up your metabolis…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there a way to NATURALLY speed up metabolism?
Q: Is there a way to NATURALLY speed up metabolism?
A: Yes, do exercise (cardio exercise that is), do weights and eat enough calories (at least1,200 calories a day).Cardio exercise powerfully kickstarts your metabolism into higher gear and it’s the most immediate way to speed up your metabolism.Weight training promotes muscle growth and since muscle raises your basal metabolic rate (aka BMR, meaning it burns calories even while you’re at rest), the more muscle you pack into your frame, the higher your BMR and metabolism, hence the more calories you burn.High BMR means it keeps your metabolism elevated for many hours so you burn calories possibly thoguhout the day…..Eating enough calories daily helps your metabolism function normally. If you don’t eat enough calories, your body thinks you’re “starving”, hence it goes into a “starvation” mode by slowing down your metabolism, the purpose is to conserve your energy in case there’s more “starvation” coming…..You might want to get a fuller picture on how to speed up metabolism here: http://www.perfect-body-toning.com/how-to-increase-metabolism.html
how do you speed your metabolism back up naturally?
Q: i used to have a very high metabolism, but after 2 babies, it has slowed down quite a bit, what can i do to speed it back up!
A: Keep it fueled – small frequent meals, and give it something that takes a while to digest – low glycemic index.
what foods naturally speed up your metabolism?
Q: I’m trying to lose a few pounds…aside from diet and exercise, what other things can i do to help without taking any sketchy medecine, etc? I want to lose 15-20 pounds (down to 140)
A: try out www.sparkpeople.comsome of the foods that speed up your metabolism are foods that are high in fiber, other vitamins and protein.

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