What is average weight a man can bench press

What is average weight a man can bench press

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is average weight a man can bench press”,you can compare them.

The average weight a healthy man between the ages 18 and 40 can bench press is 145 pounds. Do the ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-average-weight-a-man-can-bench-press ]
More Answers to “What is average weight a man can bench press
Can the average man bench press his own weight??
only if he has natrual power in his muselces
How much weight should a 118 lb man bench press to start??
you should be able to bench your own weight.
Can most men bench press their own weight?
No, most can’t. few can. im sorry i cant remember the exact figure but an instructor told me that aroudn 1/20000 or 1/2000 (forgot how many 0’s) actualy can. so a massive majority cant

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Q: The bench press is a popular weight lifting exercise that works most specifically the chest. Can the average man bench press his own weight?
A: the correct answer is “no”ma
What is the amount of weight that the average man can bench press?
Q: Any stats on this? I would rather know stats than peoples opinions.But Patrick M, that’s only 90 pounds.
A: I’m pretty sure the average is 135lbs. I can’t really find any stats to support it, but it becomes the first goal of anyone entering a gym, to get the 45lb plate on each side.
Can the average man bench press his own weight?
A: only if he has natrual power in his muselces

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