What is harder swimming or running

What is harder swimming or running

Health related question in topics Fitness Sports .We found some answers as below for this question “What is harder swimming or running”,you can compare them.

Swimming involves more muscle groups, so you burn more calories in the end. Compared this way, swimming is harder. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-harder-swimming-or-running ]
More Answers to “What is harder swimming or running
Which is harder swimming or running?
running because of the impact on your joints. however, some people just arent good at swimming, so i guess it depends on the person.
What do you think is a harder sport swimming or running??
All the runners will say running, all the swimmers will say swimming. My swimmer friend and I had this discussion a few days ago. I’ve been swimming competitively my whole life and picked up running a while ago, so I know both. Swimming is …
Which sport is harder, Running or Swimming?
I consider running anything longer than 800 meters….otherwise it’s a sprint. And in that case, I think swimming is more difficult. Way more technique is involved. When I was in elementary and High school and did 800 (which was pretty much…

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what do you think is a harder sport swimming or running?
Q: like do you think it is harder to be on the swim team or the cross country team/track team?
A: All the runners will say running, all the swimmers will say swimming. My swimmer friend and I had this discussion a few days ago. I’ve been swimming competitively my whole life and picked up running a while ago, so I know both.Swimming is far harder. Running distance is far from easy, but swimming is definitely harder.
Which is harder swimming or running?
Q: Back your reasoningOk what i ment to say guys was which is harder to perform. Is it harder to run a mile or swim a mile. I am on the varsity swim team and my friend who runs claims swimming is much easier. From my friends that run and now swim they compare swimming as running without breathing.
A: running because of the impact on your joints. however, some people just arent good at swimming, so i guess it depends on the person.
why is swimming harder than running?
Q: i can run continuosuly for 30 minutes, but I can’t even finish a lap when I’m swimming….how can i get more breath?
A: While swimming you are using smaller, less-used muscles, which tires you out much faster. You’re not accustomed having to balance yourself in a prone position while propelling yourself forward with mostly your upper body. While running you can take in breaths at will. While swimming you need to time your breaths so that you are not breathing water. Conditioning also has a lot to do with it. I am a swimmer and can easily swim for half an hour but cannot continuously run for 30 minutes without training for a while.

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