What is the average speed of a human running

What is the average speed of a human running

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The average human runs 17 mph. The average swimmer is 5 mph. Any other questions? Text them to ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-average-speed-of-a-human-running ]
More Answers to “What is the average speed of a human running
What is the average running speed for a Human?
The “average” healthy , non-athletic, adult human could probably handle 100 yards in around 16 seconds. This will translate into 12.8 miles/hour. The fastest (world class) humans can run about 25 MPH.
What is the average human running speed?
it is 7.33 yards per second
What is the average Human male running speed?
For simplicity, we’ll convert 60-70 feet into 20 meters. For further simplicity, we’ll assume there is no acceleration- the 20 meters are say the 40th to the 60th meter marks in a 100m race when they’re running at their fastest. What wo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is the average human running speed?
A: it is 7.33 yards per second
What is the smallest engine that can move a human at an average running speed or slightly slower?
Q: i’m trying to develop something but atm i have run into a brick wall with the engine as from what i know is that the smallest engine that could move a human like that is a wipper snipper engine and thats to big for what i needi’m developing skates that need smaller motors then a wipper snipper (prefferably half or 1/3 of the size of 1)
A: I’ve read somewhere that the “average human” can output about 800W of mechanical power.For a “wheeled thing” you’ll need to find(/guess) values for Cd*A, and coefficient of rolling resistance, and then plug them into something like the followingP_needed= power_needed_to_overcome_rolling_resistance(v,C_rolling)+ aerodynamic drag (density of air, v,Cd,A)—Perhaps look up pedal bikes which have auxiliary engines.I’ve considered attempting to convert a “push bike” into one, using one of those small engines used for model aircraft (high power to weight ratio!), to drive a roller which then powers a bike’s rear wheel. To “clutch” you just lift the roller/engine away from the wheel.this page any help:-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_engineyou can get them down to 2 cc and about .5 hp. that’s about 0.37kW which is about half of what you’re needing, but if doing skates, you’ll probably want an engine an each skate.revs will be HIGH, so you’ll need gearing to reduce them (worm drives are compact!) also some form of clutch is likely be essential (but could be as simple as just lifting the driven wheel if like roller skates)—A really MAD(but perhaps not as dangerous as it sounds!) idea would be to mount a flash steam boiler in something like a backback, and use flexible hose to send steam to each skate (via a throttle valve controlled by each hand?). Use a de-laval nozzle to expand the steam to REALLY high speed. The momentum change could produce a fair bit of thrust. As you still only need output 800W of power, you would probably need a 1.6KW boiler to make sure….
What is the average running speed for a Human?
Q: If anyone can be more acurate like with ages and runnin speeds-MPH- reading would be best
A: The “average” healthy , non-athletic, adult human could probably handle 100 yards in around 16 seconds. This will translate into 12.8 miles/hour.The fastest (world class) humans can run about 25 MPH.

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