What is the best exercise to do to lose weight in your stomach and legs

What is the best exercise to do to lose weight in your stomach and legs

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You cannot target fat loss, you will lose it all over, but try Pilates to strengthen abs and legs without adding bulk. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-exercise-to-do-to-lose-weight-in-your-stomach-and-legs ]
More Answers to “What is the best exercise to do to lose weight in your stomach and legs
What’s the best exercise to lose weight fast? (stomach and legs)??
yes you can loose fat and certain places…there are different exercises for different places that you can look up on google for those..my opinion is jogging/fast walking, sit-ups,jump rope maybe, and just watching your diet… THIGHS… Ch…

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What’s the best exercise to lose weight fast? (stomach and legs)?
A: yes you can loose fat and certain places…there are different exercises for different places that you can look up on google for those..my opinion is jogging/fast walking, sit-ups,jump rope maybe, and just watching your diet…THIGHS…Choosing thigh exercises that are right for your unique goals and situation. Doing this will give you the results you want but it can be a tremendous challenge to get it right.When it comes to your thighs remember that to actually visually see results, you need to do thigh exercises that not only tone, firm and strengthen you thighs, but also burn the fat.If you don’t burn the fat, you’ll never see how good your thigh muscles actually look.You may, as a lot of women do, typically carry your excess weight on your thighs and hips, and it may be difficult for you to lose weight in these areas even if you have tried various thigh exercises before.It takes specific thigh exercises to help tone and shape your legs while at the same time burn all the excess fat so you can actually see the fruits of your labor…to learn about leg exercises go to this website http://www.womens-health-fitness.com/thigh-exercises.html…STOMACHyou can have a flat tummy with six pack abs? There are many different types of exercises that can be done, but they fall into 3 groups, cardio, weight resistance training, and abs exercises.Cardio exercises are important because they build your aerobic capacity and of course they also burn fat and calories. Choose you favorite two or three cardio exercises and vary them in your workouts to keep from getting bored. Walking, jogging, running, swimming, and cycling are all fun yet effective forms of cardio exercise.Weight resistance exercises are important, because they increase your muscle mass. With increased muscle mass you will be able to burn more fat and calories all of the time, even when you are at rest. Include weight resistance training in your workouts 3 times a week. Be sure to take a day off between weight training sessions to give your muscles a chance to recover.Abs exercises specifically target the abs and are indispensable when it comes to burning stomach fat and building a six pack. Crunches, leg raises and sit-ups are three of several effective abs exercises. Vary your abs exercises so that your muscles do not get too used to any specific exercise.In addition to exercise, healthy diet is another key factor in successful stomach fat loss. Include protein, monounsaturated fats, fruits and vegetables in your daily diet, as these contribute to successful fat and calorie burning. Drink plenty of water every day. Cold ice water is very good for raising your metabolism. Water is also important for your digestive system.Eat 4 or more small meals a day rather than 3 large meals. This will help your metabolism function at its best. When we only eat enough calories for our metabolism to burn, we can prevent the calories we consume from being converted into stomach fat or other body fat.for more information on stomach go to http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Shawn_AdamsI WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK!!! ; )
Best exercise to lose weight on legs, thighs and stomach?
Q: I really want to lose weight and I want to start exercising. I want to know what exercises are best to lose most weight from legs, thighs and stomach? Also, I would like to know how I can lose the weight and not get any flab. I want to end up with great legs. Any suggestions? I like to walk so where would I lose weight the most by walking? How does walking help? If it helps, I am 17 years old and I am tall enough for my age. I am not sure how much I weigh now because I haven’t checked but I think from last time I checked I am about 145 pounds so as you can see I really need to lose weight and I would like to lose it soon. I would like get down to at least 100 pounds. I am in my last year of high school and would like to lose all this weight by the time I graduate. Any suggestions?
A: good god, “at least 100 pounds” ? that’s unrealistic and dangerous. that’s almost a third of your body weight going away! christ…anyway to answer your question – I’m all about being fit! – you absolutely cannot spot-reduce. you can’t do certain exercises to lose weight in certain areas, it just gets taken off all around.so anything that burns energy in general – walking, cardio, swimming, dancing, sports like tennis & soccer, gymnasticspilates and yoga are great, also you can lift weights (don’t worry it won’t make you bulky, trust me, that’s very hard to do on PURPOSE, much less on accident)lifting weights will have the additional benefit of toning up your muscles underneath the skin, which helps to reduce “flab” like you want. at 17 and 145 though, I wouldn’t worry too much about your skin – it should contract very easily to accommodate the new size.since you like to walk, that is an awesome way to get good exercise that’s easy on your body and will burn fat.my suggestions:(1) pick something you enjoy. if you don’t, you won’t stick to it. walking seems good for you since you said you like it.(2) nutrition, nutrition! remember that your body NEEDS certain things, don’t let it down with crazy restrictions or anything. but also don’t eat too many sugary foods. if you eat proper meals with vegetables, fruit, etc., your body SHOULD get all the nutrients it needs, and therefore you won’t have cravings for junk food as much. bottom line: eat healthy, and this does NOT mean starve yourself!(3) you won’t see results immediately! keep at it! and why don’t you make this a longer goal? walking isn’t just good for losing weight, you’ll be much more energetic and feel better if you keep it up.(4) IMPORTANT!! Get a friend to do this with you, if at all possible – it helps SO MUCH to have someone with you, because you can keep each other motivated. Also makes those long walks more enjoyable!Good luck, and please. Check a BMI (body mass index) calculator, or better yet a doctor, so you can find a good weight for yourself. 100 is only healthy if you’re short and have a small frame. it’s very very light, and I doubt it’s healthy for you personally.
whats the best exercise for me to do so i lose weight from my stomach?
Q: im sick of being fat and i want to try to lose a bit of weight from my stomach and legs. whats the best type of exercise for this. im really bad at doing sit upsi dont actually eat alot. i used to be able to eat a whole large pizza on my own, but now i can only just manage 2 slicesthanks for those links louu, im glad to see that ‘step aerobics’ is good for burning calories and its an exercise i enjoy.
A: To lose weight you need to do calorie burning exercises. Running/Jogging is v.effective as its tougher than other exercises. But vary it so your body doesn’t get used to it. Vary fast and quicker distances with sloww and long distances.If you can’t run no worries a great plan is on here that can get you to build up slowly–>http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtmlIf running is not your thing here are some other calorie burning exercises. –>http://exercise.about.com/od/cardioworkouts/tp/cardioexercise.htmTo tone the stomach don’t just do sit ups (even if you can’t- do a couple of crunches and build it up… soon you will do it no problems)Vary it. Pilates is easy going and really good for toning.Good luck, find something you love and the extra weight should go!! 🙂

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