What is the best way to build bicep muscle

What is the best way to build bicep muscle

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best way to build bicep muscle”,you can compare them.

The way to build arm muscles in any muscle work outs is to add enough weight until it interferes with your form. MORE? ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-build-bicep-muscle ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to build bicep muscle
What is the best way to build bicep muscle, and have it show??
With push up your not gonna gain muscle mass its just for strength.. For bicep do curls such as preacher curl, cable curl, concentration curl and alternate dumbell curls just pick 2-3 of them and dont do them everyday give them 2 days atlea…
What is the best way to build bicep. muscle any help would be app…?
The bicep can be a hard muscle to build unless you have good genetics that said you need to do several types of sets as many as you can. For example, preacher curls, isolation curls, dumb bell curls on incline, cable curls, standing barbell…
Is this a good way to build big bicep and triceps muscles??
Straight away, you have the right idea. People think big biceps will give them big looking arms, but the tricep muscle takes up 60% of your arm, so you definitely need to work this too. Too many people overlook this. 3 exercises per muscle …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Whats the best way to build bicep muscle and pec muscle without gym equipment?
Q: atm i cant afford the gym but i have a lot weights at home and a bench and a bar and two dumb bells which i can add and deduct weight from 🙂 any tips would be great.
A: pushups and arm curls with your dumb bells.
whats the best way to build bicep muscle?
Q: I have a chin up bar, dumbells, barbells and a preacher curls bench which is most effective and any other advice?
A: The pull-up or pull-down are the two best bicep exercises. Best advice…get lots of rest between work-outs to allow muscles to grow. Other advice…the tricep comprises 3/4 of your arm, if you want big arms work them hard. Look up “heavy duty training” in yahoo.
what the best way to build bicep muscle?
Q: i have dumbbells and i don’t really like doing push ups.
A: try doing small pushups that go up to your chest, try to do them, because its stupid to have them because you dont like to. Im a girl, and I do 10 pushups every day, and my biceps are well marked (only been doing it for a year)

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