What is the difference between health related and skill related fitness

What is the difference between health related and skill related fitness

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the difference between health related and skill related fitness”,you can compare them.

Heath related fitness is training to lose weight or tone your body. Skill related fitness is training toward a specific sport. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-difference-between-health-related-and-skill-related-fitness ]
More Answers to “What is the difference between health related and skill related fitness
What are some similarities and differences between health-related…?
Health Related Fitness is to do with the efficiency of the human body whereas Skill Related fitness is related to playing sport.
What are the differences between health and skill related compone…?
Health-related fitness components are those that are needed in everyday life, for example, strength is needed to lift bags and get out of bed. Whereas skill-related fitness components are specifically related to sport. For example, agility …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Please elaborate on the differences between health and skill related components of fitness.?
Q: ???????
A: Health – good blood pressure, cholesterol levels, etc. Skill – ability specific to something, like perfecting your tennis game, being able to slam dunk a basketball, etc.
Related Fitness ?
Q: Please elaborate on the differences between health and skill related components of fitness. Give specific examples of each.
A: Health related has to do with increase in heart rate, oxygen to the muscles, and other things that fitness does to the body.Skill related has to do with coordination and how repetition can improve the ability to control the movements of the body.

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