What is the most weight ever bench pressed by a human

What is the most weight ever bench pressed by a human

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1036 lbs benched by Ryan Kennelly is the most weight ever benched by a human. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-weight-ever-bench-pressed-by-a-human ]
More Answers to “What is the most weight ever bench pressed by a human
What is the most weight ever bench pressed?
1023 (470kg) Eric Mims The current world record for the heaviest bench press 103600 lbs (470kg) by harry pittz (USA). It must be noted that the different federations have subtly different rules on technique, the equipment that is allowed an…
Who can bench press twice their body weight?
you would have to train a lot to pull it off. powerlifting has weightclasses and some of the lower classes could do it and still be able to box. mass and strength are not completely correlated. but i’ll be honest, pick one or the other. a d…
Who set the world record for most weight bench-pressed in the 200…?
Rob Zolaturiuk benched an impressive 880 pounds on March 25, 2000. Hossein Rezazadeh Bench Press: 220.0 Kg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hossein_Reza_Zadeh NOT Rollo Zamiski

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