What is the record for most pull ups

What is the record for most pull ups

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the record for most pull ups”,you can compare them.

The world record for most pull ups is 644 in 60 minutes! It beat the previous record by 71 pull ups! Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-record-for-most-pull-ups ]
More Answers to “What is the record for most pull ups
What is the world record for pull ups?
60 per minute 162 without touching ground
What’s you school’s gym record for most pull ups?
umm the most ive seen is this sophamore do 45. O.O
How Do You Set Record Pull-Ups?
Every sport has world records and pull-ups and chin-ups are no exception. Well, pull-ups are really not a sport but there are people that try to break different records for this exercise. Pull-ups and chin-ups are a difficult exercise to do…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What’s you school’s gym record for most pull ups?
Q: If there is one! Pull ups (palms facing away) What is the record in your school?
A: umm the most ive seen is this sophamore do 45. O.O
What is the world record for the most consecutive pull ups?
Q: Just curious
A: 31 in 1min 41 sec139 unnofficialyhow many are you trying to do?hope your up for the challenge
What is the world record of the most pull ups?
A: 46 Matthew Bogdanowicz – 1 minute100 Ngo Xuan Chuyen – 3 minutes433 Matthew Bogdanowicz – 30 minutes644 Guy Schott – 1 hour2,456 Guy Schott – 6 hours3,116 Guy Schott – 12 hours(attempt ended after nine and a half hours, leaving the rest of the time unused)

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