What percentage of body fat do I have

What percentage of body fat do I have

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What percentage of body fat do I have”,you can compare them.

To determine your body fat percentage, you will need calipers or a sophisticated scale to tell you. My ChaCha crystal ball cannot. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-percentage-of-body-fat-do-i-have ]
More Answers to “What percentage of body fat do I have
What is a healthy body fat percentage?
It is recommended that men have 15-18% body fat and women have 20-25% body fat. Athletes may be lower.
Total Body Water Percentage is the total amount of fluid in a person’s body expressed as a percentage of their total weight. Water plays a vital role in many of the body’s processes and is found in every cell, tissue and organ. Maintaining …
How to Measure Body Fat Percentage
・ 1 The first and easiest step is to use an online calculator. The calculator will give you a rough estimate… ・ 2 Another very reliable way to check your body fat percentage is by using calipers. The problem with… ・ 3 One of the most ac…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much body fat percentage do you need to start your period?
Q: I read somewhere you need a certain percentage of body fat before you can get your period… someone tell me more about this?
A: While it is true that some ppl who lose a significant amt of weight can stop periods for a while or skip them, it’s less of a factor in first menstruation. Many underweight, downright skinny ppl have periods. It’s more a question of your mother’s family history. Hereditary determines puberty more than environmental factors. You’re likely to have menarche around the same age as your mother’s side of the family.
What percentage of body fat can you have to get in the Army?
Q: I am currently 4% over the allowed body fat percentage required by the Army. Will the Army still take me in being 4% over?
A: They should take you. They will work with you on that with PT. try eating healthier and exercising more. Good luck!USMCalso talk to your recruiter if need be.
How do I calculate my percentage of body fat?
Q: NOTE: NOT Body Mass Index!!! I know how to get my BMI, that’s not what I’m asking.What I’m asking is how to get my body fat percentage. I know at the doctor’s office, they use calipers, so I wanted to know exactly how they do it. Or if there is a way to do it without the calipers. Thanks!
A: Here:http://www.healthcentral.com/cholesterol/home-body-fat-test-2774-143.html

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