When lifting weights is it better to do more weight with less reps or less weight with more reps

When lifting weights is it better to do more weight with less reps or less weight with more reps

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More weight, less reps = more bulk. Less weight, more reps = more cut. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-lifting-weights-is-it-better-to-do-more-weight-with-less-reps-or-less-weight-with-more-reps ]
More Answers to “When lifting weights is it better to do more weight with less reps or less weight with more reps
Is it better to lift light weights and do loads of reps or heavy …?
-Make sure your form is correct -Your body could have just gotten use the same routine over and over -Try adding more weights and changing the reps -Try a different exercise that works the same group you are focusing on. Your muscles need v…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When it comes to lifting weight which is better: More reps and lighter weights or Less reps & heavier weights?
Q: I am using hand weights(dumbells) and I am trying to lose weight.
A: Here’s the dirty lowdown from a bodybuilder of many years. If your goal is to lose weight, neither option above will do it. To lose weight, eat less and do a cardio workout like jogging for 30 minutes a day.As to your question about weights –More reps with lighter weights TONES your muscles, which is what you are looking to do.Less reps with heavy weights bulks up your muscles and you’ll gain weight.
When lifting weights, more reps. less weight?
Q: How does doing more repetitions with less weight tone better than less repetitions and more weight?
A: “tone” is a dirty word with personal trainers. ^_^ It works a different type of muscle, the non-bulky type. You have two different types of muscle fiber, fast twitch and slow twitch. Lifting heavy weights works the fast twitch and that makes big, bulky muscles. Working the slow twitch muscles with less weight (Not TOO light, mind you) and more reps makes the muscle denser and tighter… I don’t understand all of it. I’m no anatomy expert, but that’s the theory behind it.
Better to lift more weight & less reps or less weight and more reps to make arms smaller?
Q: I do cardio and weight lifting and I want to decrease the size of my arms. Would it be better if I do more reps and less weight or less reps and more weight? Right now, I do 3 sets of 20 lifting 15 pounds.Oh, getting stronger would be nice too
A: If you want your arms to be smaller and more tone, do more reps at a lighter weight. Lifting less reps and more weight will build more muscle mass and will therefore make your arms bigger or more muscular. Keep doing cardio, it will help eliminate the fat on your body and around your arms. But lifting weights will end up toning your arms and giving you more strength in the muscles you work out.

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