WHY are PEOPLE so short

WHY are PEOPLE so short

Health related question in topics Biology Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “WHY are PEOPLE so short”,you can compare them.

Height is determined mostly by a person’s genetic information and partially by environmental factors surrounding them. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-people-so-short ]
More Answers to “WHY are PEOPLE so short
Why are Japanese people so short?
The Japanese tend to be shorter, on average, than Americans largely because of their low-fat diet. This has changed in recent years as the Japanese move away from their traditional diet, and young Japanese people tend to be taller than thei…
What Makes Dwarf People So Short?
It is a mutation in the gene that makes them short
Why are people so short-sighted re:
It’s a cultural value. It gets passed down even if it is no longer relevant. Honestly, there’s probably some socioeconomic changes that have happened, but in large part it’s because the religious emphasis has been almost totally removed. Th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do so many people make fun of short people?
Q: Why do people think it’s acceptable to make fun of people who are below average height? I’m 16 years old and 5ft tall, and frankly I’m sick of having things thrown at me and being literally pushed around like I don’t mean anything just because I’m tiny. I know that’s the reason why because just today a random person turned to me, said ‘what are you, you look about seven years old! You’re only 2 foot tall!’ then followed me and threw stones at me. It does get to me. Why do people think it’s acceptable?
A: Because the people who do it are unsure of them self. I’m six foot two inches and I use to make fun of short people. I’m not proud of it now. But once you became friends with one of the short people you realize that they aren’t any different that you, just shorter. So they make fun of the short people to make them self look better
Why are Irish people have a stigma about having short tempers?
Q: I just discovered my family immigrated from Ireland, Which explains alot. We’ve always had short tempers. Why do Irish people supposedly have such short tempers?
A: I will explain it to you and break it down… I can because I am IrishThe Irish people live on a Island were it rains all the freakin’ time, also our closet neighbors are the British… how depressing. On top of that the only crop that grows in ireland are damn potatoes! Did i mention it rains all the damn time?! Oh yeah and the freaking british once decided to take all of our potatoes away, the potato famine! God damn I am pissed off and about to lose my temper just thinking about it!If you lived there you would be pissed all the time too, i guess it’s a character trait that gets passed down.
Why do so many younger people seem to think that a guy is gay if he wears short shorts?
Q: I mean does the younger generation hang around gay bars or what? Arn’t they smart enough to realize that styles come and go and that for 20 years (1960-1980’s) shorter shorts and jean cut-offs on guys was the only way to go? I just can’t get used to the hick feeling I get when I wear long shorts. Arn’t shorts supposed to be short? Listen, just like jeans are going to get tighter, men’s shorts will get shorter again. Why?? Becasue of money. Fashion money. Then this younger generation will find out how it feels to be out of style in their old baggy knee length “pirate pants.” As for me, I don’t follow fashion trends. I like the sun and I like freedom of movement, so I cut off my old jeans right below the pocket! If people think I am gay, then that’s their problem. People usually think the stupidest things about other people anyway so if your basing your oppinion on a particular style, you are way shallow and need to grow up.
A: don´t ask silly questions. you are wasting precious time to hook up with another intelligent gay like you!!!

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