Why do I feel sick after working out

Why do I feel sick after working out

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do I feel sick after working out”,you can compare them.

Feeling sick after strenuous exercise is basically your body telling you it is exhausted and needs fuel. You have fatigued your energy sources. You need to replenish your body pre – exercise and this means carbohydrates and water. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-i-feel-sick-after-working-out ]
More Answers to “Why do I feel sick after working out
Why do I feel so sick after working out?
That used to happen to me, drink water, your dehydrated and your stomach cramps up if your not hydrated.
Why do I feel sick and tired after working out?
First starting to get into shape/ working out will do this, its typical body response when you first start . But if you don’t eat regularly this will happen. Also you can get really dehydrated and this can happen too. I’d try getting a good…
Why do I sometimes feel nauseous or sick to my stomach after work…?
Try not to eat anything less than two or three hours before a workout. Also, make sure that you working out at an optimal rate and not pushing yourself too far. Feeling sick may be a way of your body complaining.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why do I feel so sick after working out?
Q: Why do I feel so sick after working out?
A: That used to happen to me, drink water, your dehydrated and your stomach cramps up if your not hydrated.
Why do I feel sick and tired after working out?
Q: I have recently started taking a work out class twice a week and jogging on the days i don’t go to class. after either of the workouts i get very nauseated and literally feel as though i am going to pass out. i will lay down and sleep for a good two hours after working out. is this normal or should i consult a doctor? i am not over weight by any means so i don’t know what it could be caused by
A: First starting to get into shape/ working out will do this, its typical body response when you first start . But if you don’t eat regularly this will happen. Also you can get really dehydrated and this can happen too. I’d try getting a good meal in about an hour.. half hour (whatever your more comfortable with) and then running, and bring some water with u. If you still feel nauseous call your doctor
Okay, I am started to feel sick after I worked out today and I don’t know why?
Q: I worked out for 30 minutes yesterday, and felt good after I finished. Today, I worked out again but pushed a little harder on the treadmill than yesterday. I got a headache, and now I feel a little nauseated after working out. Did I push too hard? I am 26, and my heartrate stayed at about 180 for the thirty minutes I worked out. Is that too much?
A: A heart rate of 180 is excessive. But I doubt that the symptoms are related unless you are just dehydrated. If you sweat a lot during your workout you could be. You could also be low on sodium. Drink a lot of water and eat something salty (or if you are to nauseated to do this just put 1/4 teaspoon on your tongue and let it dissolve). If this does not work you probably are getting a bug. See this link for target heart rate info. http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4736

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