Why I’m I so fat

Why I’m I so fat

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why I’m I so fat”,you can compare them.

Obesity has many causes, but the most basic reason is that a person consumes more calories than they burn in a day. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-i%27m-i-so-fat ]
More Answers to “Why I’m I so fat
Why am i so fat?
It’s all about the way you eat. You can workout 6 hours a day and still be big. I know people who work out a lot – mainly with weights, and they eat a lot and are pretty big. Make sure you do very light weights (if you are doing weights) an…
Am i fat…………………….? So would you say i would be ov…?
“well for starters your exact weight does matter” is bs, totallyjay04 is a f­u­cking t­i­t a few lbs dont mean anything, check your bmi online perhaps you are a tad overweight but you can sort it pretty quickly with some exercise …
Can I gain weight after having Vaser? If so does the fat migrate …?
After having Vaser, should you experience weight gain or loss, it will tend to be proportionately distributed over your entire body. Once you have fat removed with Vaser it is gone, however maintaining a healthy lifestyle through proper die…

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