Why is it bad to workout when you have a cold

Why is it bad to workout when you have a cold

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is it bad to workout when you have a cold”,you can compare them.

If your symptoms are from the neck up, such as a runny nose, headache or a very mild cough, it’s probably OK to do a mild workout. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-it-bad-to-workout-when-you-have-a-cold ]
More Answers to “Why is it bad to workout when you have a cold
Why is it bad to take a cold shower right after a workout??
Nope, it’s not bad at all. If you have just finished working out, your muscles are already warm! The scientific basis: The cold water reduces swelling and initially restricts the blood flow, providing a natural compress on microscopic tears…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it healthy to work out when you have a bad cold?
Q: I am about 2 weeks into a workout program. I got a really bad cold about 5 days ago and I have only worked out 1 time and that was the first day I noticed symptoms. I feel crappy, but I am feeling worse about missing my workouts. I WANT to work out but I am worried that it could effect my recovery time.Any thoughts?
A: No. Whenever you get cold, your body uses much more energy to try and recover it self to homeostasis. Now that you are sick, working out will only drain more energy and cause more places to be needed to recover. You should get better first, then start working out again.
Why is it bad to take a cold shower right after a workout?
Q: Is there any scientific basis for this?
A: Nope, it’s not bad at all. If you have just finished working out, your muscles are already warm!The scientific basis: The cold water reduces swelling and initially restricts the blood flow, providing a natural compress on microscopic tears in the muscle tissue that leak blood into the traumatized area. In time, the body recruits new blood to the cold area(it turns red). That new blood flushes waste and lactic acid-a byproduct of heavy muscle activity.But all in all, it’s not bad to take a warm shower after working out, either. A lot of people like to go into steam rooms after they workout to open up their pores and sweat a little more. You should always at least END your showers with cold water, to close up your pores.
Why do UFC fighters jump into a cold bath right after their workout?
Q: Is it good or bad to workout and then jump into a cold shower right after your workout? If you can can you explain why it is good or not good?
A: It helps from the possible strain of any muscles. Seeing as when things are cold they contract. Muscles do this also. So if there muscles are sore it will contract them reslting in stretching them leading to a less sore day the next day. It also helps the bruising process

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