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Can you die of heart palputations

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A:Palpitations are usually not serious. It depends on whether or not the sensations represent an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia). [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-you-die-of-heart-palputations ]
More Answers to “Can you die of heart palputations
Can you die from heart palpitations?
Yes. That said, it depends on where in the heart the palpitations come from. Some palpitations are caused by external stimuli, like nicotine, or caffeine; others are caused by cardiac disease of some kind, like a problem with the heart musc…
WIll I die if I go to sleep with heart palpitations??
Hi there. Palpitations can be scary, even for those of us who are told they’re perfectly benign. My worry about you is that cocaine does stress your heart out. I’m glad you’ll be having the echo, and I hope everything is okay. As to whether…
Can heart palpitations cause death
While palpitations alone can’t cause death, they can be a sign of much more serious heart diseases and disorders. ChaCha!

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My Heart Won’t Go On And On.?
Q: So basically, About 6 Months Ago I Was Sitting In Ma Chair When My Heart Felt Like It Was Slowing Down And It Was coming to a stop, so i lept up and attempted to find ways of stimulating it, i found that pressups made it pump so i could feel it strongly.Well i went to the doctors and he said there was nothing to worry about and it wont randomly stop, i was unhappy with this diagnosis as how does he know its not a heart condition?but anyway around two days ago the same thing happened, and i realized that it may be linked to caffiene? because i drank a whole 2 litres of cola and i felt it going funny whilst taking a slash, which is an inconvienient time to be dying -_-but basically did pressups again and it was fine,either ive got some psychosimatic disorder or theres actually something wrong?im 6’0 tall, weigh around 11 and a half stone, about 73 kg for you americansand i dont see how im particularly fat, i do eat a bit of junk food to be sure but i absolutely dont eat red meat, i was vegetarian for a long while, pretty much i live off of vegetable soups, baked beans on toast, pizza, and some healthy things, such as bananas lol, with a credit crunch on its hard for me to ask my dad to buy everything healthy, but i do try to eat things such as tuna and sweetcorn pasta from tesco, num num loli also try to steer clear of saturated fats because thats what i believe can cause heart problems?see maybe its me worrying too much, but i do get quite frantic when i hear my heart beat sometimes it feels totally outve sync with my body.I had cut out caffiene for at least a month when i drank the cola, im guessing that it must be palputations caused by caffiene stressing the heart, so no caffiene or decaffinated cola? or just one glass, but its too moreish XDthis is more ranty then questiony :Pso scratch what i have just saidJUST READ THIS PART LOLMy Heart Has Been Almost Stopping, i think, im not a fatman, i get some exercise and eat okish, is it mental or is it something else.
A: Your doctor did not get into the business of health care to NOT treat people who have conditions needing attention. He knows your heart won’t stop because we know that hearts have to have an extremely good reason to stop – like toxic ingestion of a chemical or being zapped by lightning or profound blood loss or being hit with a baseball at precisely the moment the heart is in its rest phase. You notice all of these things require some effort and don’t just occur as you sit down for Sunday dinner?Its great that you are interested in maintaining your weight and watching the fat content you are eating but probably has no bearing on the sensations you are experiencing.A common phenomenon is a premature ventricular contraction (PVC). It is the bottom of the heart beating out of turn. It feels like your heart stops momentarily followed by a heavy beat with some possible chest discomfort. They are extremely common and are harmless. Everyone has them to some extent. Some people do feel them much more acutely than others, but they are still harmless and mean nothing; other than your heart is a biologic mechanism rather than a machine.In sum, I agree with your doctor. Your heart will not stop without good reason. Try to get your mind off the whole matter. Excessive worry will actually make you sick.Good luck
I think my heart keeps stopping?
Q: The following happens to me about 1/2 times a day now; I keep getting this feeling that my heart has stopped. It’s weird… I put my hand to my chest and I can’t feel it beating for about 2/3 seconds, I feel a bit out of breath and I panic. I’ve wrote on here about chest pains that i’ve been having. The other night my heart was racing and then slowing to the point I thought it had stopped, in the end we called an ambulance and they said that everything was okay. Yesterday I went to the doctors and he said that it was anxiety and that it was all in the mind so I have to go and see a psychiatrist. Also, a few days ago I got to the point where I was too scared to get out of bed because I thought my heart would stop, I felt really weak and couldn’t take my hand of my chest because I felt I had to check constantly that my heart was beating. I don’t know whether I should ring 999 again because there may not be a problem but i’m really scared. I have:Chest pains, but not as bad as they have beenPalputations, but not as bad as they have beenFelt my heart stop (by putting my hand on the heart area of chest)Felt an irregular beat Felt out of breath (when i feel my hearts stopped)Could anyone write back with any suggestions about what this could be, what I should do and whether you’ve gone through this yourself, i’m 15 by the way. I constantly feel I should be at the doctors or at hospital. I think this is something serious but no one seems to be doing anything and I fear i’m going to die.Had several ECGs all fine.Just been to the hospital, blood pressure and ECG etc. fine.
A: you could have a partial defect.i think its called an ASD?i have one.its a hole in one of the chambers of your heart.the doctors told me, the younger you get it checked out, and possibly had surgery, the better. the older you are, the worse – because it can cause others arteries to fail.it basically means, because theres a hole in on chamber, blood is passing through – meaning more blood is in one side than the other. the one without as much blood, has to do more work to pump blood around your body.sometimes you get lucky, and dont get any symtoms. i didnt have any for 14 years, its only because i complained of a pain in my chest one time, that they did an ECG scan, and picked up on it. go to your doctors. and talk about it there.he may do a General MOT. – all scans and stuff -to find out the problem.. if one.good luck. xxx
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