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What are all the side effects of the swine flu

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What are all the side effects of the swine flu”,you can compare them.

The symptoms of the swine flu are fever, sore throat, cough & loss of appetite. It spreads through the air like the regular flu. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-all-the-side-effects-of-the-swine-flu ]
More Answers to “What are all the side effects of the swine flu
What are all the side effects of the swine flu
The symptoms of the swine flu are fever, sore throat, cough & loss of appetite. It spreads through the air like the regular flu.
What are the side effects of the swine flu vaccines?
In the US there are two types of vaccines approved for the A-H1N1/09, a vaccine for injection into the muscle and a vaccine mist for spray into the nose. The side effects are different depending on which you use. The mist is only available …
Would you take swine flu injection knowing side effects??
I asked my Dr should we take it.He said NO.Now that is two Dr I have heard who said no.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Pandemrix swine flu vaccine side effects?
Q: I had the jab a week ago and suffered side effects within 8 hours – I was poleaxed with headache, temperature, tiredness, rash, eye pain, nausea and tingling feet. It felt like a mini dose of flu without the sore throat, cough or snotty nose. I have never had any reaction at all to any of the season flu jabs or pneumonia jab. Has anyone any idea how or why this “dead” vaccine can cause such a nasty reaction? What makes it different in terms of side effects to the seasonal flu jab? Thanks!
A: I have the jab yesterday. I feel so tired,runny nose, sleepy and ache all over my body. Less pain on the injected arm compared to yesterday. The nurse said all these are normal symtoms.
what are the true side effects of h1n1 swine flu vaccination,I have heard so many stories.?
Q: I had the h1n1 flu vaccination Saturday 14th November and have been feeling unwell.I have checked various sites for answers but they all seem vague.
A: Were all kind of scared and confused about what this vaccine actually does because to be blunt: ‘Nobody knows’. It is an experimental vaccine that was only tested by people investing in the vaccine company or people working there. Many of the long term and dangerous side effects may show up months, or even years later on so we can’t link it to anything yet. But if people are already getting paralyzed by it this early I do not know. I hope you feel better and that the vaccine turns out to be helpful to you. It’s probably a very slim chance that anything drastic would happen so just try not to worry too much but once again nobody has a clue really.
What were all the effects of the Swine Flu Vaccine?
Q: There was an outbreak in the 1970s and doctors tried to create a vaccine that had horrid side effects… what were they?
A: GBS (guillain-barre syndrome) was one of them, causing paralysis and death. More people died from the vaccine than died from the flu.
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