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What are symtoms of Pneumonia

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It often mimics a cold or the flu, beginning with a cough and a fever, so you may not realize you have a more serious condition. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-symtoms-of-pneumonia ]
More Answers to “What are symtoms of Pneumonia
There are many symptoms of pneumonia, which include, heavy breathing, fever, and coughing. Pneumonia can become very serious and should be treated immediately.
Symptoms include fever, fast, shallow breathing (always look out for this one in children as it may be your only clue), cough (with icky coloured mucus), chills, chest pain, fast heartbeat and wearyness.
Pneumonia usually starts with symptoms of cold and as it progresses there is high fever (as high as 104 F), there can be shivering and cough which is productive with sputum. This sputum can be often tinged with blood or could be very thick …

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pneumonia symtoms?
Q: am 12 and am scared that i might have this heres what happens i breathe and every now and then i have to breathe deeply with my mouth i also have pain in under my rib cage and sometimes and sometimes pain just shoots out of no were on my stomach area sometimes i feel tired and i sometimes tend to have a blank mind were i cant think of anything. so help please
A: go see your doctor ASAP, you could also have a lung infection, please go get seen, don’t mess with the lungs, very dangerous
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A: trouble breathing your lungs sound wet
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A: Symptoms are often mistaken for a mild head cold or upper respiratory tract infection. Symptoms include fever, weakness, runny nose and sore throat. The cold symptoms, nasal stuffiness and runny nose, give way to a moist, non-productive cough once the infection moves lower down in the airways. The cough persists for a few weeks and, unless treated, progresses to a dry, hacking cough that is often worse at night, hence the tendency to spread to someone sharing a bedroom.Walking pneumonia, although not serious enough to require going to a hospital, is still a miserable illness. Fortunately, if treated with antibiotics it will clear up within days instead of weeks.
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