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What causes irregular heart beats

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A:Arrhythmias may be caused by different factors, including: Coronary artery disease * Electrolyte imbalances in your blood MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-irregular-heart-beats ]
More Answers to “What causes irregular heart beats
Arrhythmias may be caused by different factors, including: Coronary artery disease * Electrolyte imbalances in your blood MORE?
The heart has two functions electrical and mechanical. Usually when referring to irregular heart beat or what we call a dysrhythmia’s, it is a problem with the electrical side. Now I said usually. The electrical side of the heart has severa…
Please take a moment to bookmark this site and don’t forget to subscribe to the Lisa Nelson RSS Feed . I hope you find the information useful. Here’s to your health! Lisa Nelson RD Here’s another question I asked Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane and…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does anyone know anything about irregular heart beats and what causes them.?
Q: I have irregular heart beat that cuts of my breath at times. I’m 50 and my father died at 49 could this be heriditary.
A: Palpitations have various causes including: 1. An overactive thyroid gland. 2. Electrolytes disturbance. 3. Mitral valve prolapse. 4. Smoking. 5. Drinking alcohol. 6. Drinking too much caffeinated beverages. 7. Not getting enough sleep. 8. Stress. I would recommend that you have: 1. Blood tests to rule out thyroid problems and electrolyte disturbances. 2. Echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) to rule out Mitral valve prolapse. 3. A holter monitor (24 hours portable heart monitor) to see what is the exact type of Arrhythmia and how long it lasts.The heart contains a special set of cells best thought of as the electrical system of the heart. These cells send signals to the heart muscle to get it to contract, causing the heart to pump blood. When the electrical system of the heart does not function properly, the heart may beat in an abnormal fashion. This is known as a cardiac arrhythmiaHeart palpitations can be caused by:Exercise Anxiety, stress, fear Fever Caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, diet pills Overactive thyroid Anemia Hyperventilation Low levels of oxygen in your blood Medications such as thyroid pills, asthma drugs, beta blockers for high blood pressure or heart disease, or anti-arrhythmics (medications to treat an irregular heart rhythm can sometimes cause a different irregular rhythm) Mitral valve prolapse — the valve that separates the left upper chamber (atrium) from the left lower chamber (ventricle) of the heart does not close properly Heart disease .
what causes irregular heart beat pattern?
Q: i heard they cause sudden death…is that true?and i checked my pulse on my neck and they don’t skip a beat…so does it mean i’m good?
A: Yes, having irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias) is fatal. For instance, blood clots can form during atrial fibrillation. In atrial fibrillation the atria quiver instead of beating effectively. Blood isn’t pumped completely out of them when the heart beats, so the blood pools and clots. If part of a blood clot in the atria leaves the heart and lodges in an artery in the brain (or leading to it), a stroke results.Causes of arrhythmias.Many arrhythmias have no known cause. However, a number of factors can contribute to arrhythmias. They include coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, excessive use of alcohol or caffeine, drug abuse and stress. Certain substances, including some over-the-counter and prescription medications, dietary supplements and herbal remedies are known to cause arrhythmias in some people.Myth.If your heart rate is normal or not skipping beats like you’ve said, it doesnt guarantee you of not having an arrhythmic episode. Coz these are sudden in onset depending on whether you have underlying diseases which might cause it. So have yourself screened to prevent this from happening.
What would be causing irregular heart beat?
Q: My husband has been having an irregular heart beat and mems checked him out and his heart beats 80 beats a min. then jumps up to 130 and 140 beats a min. He has a doc appointment at 3:00 today.
A: Has your husband’s electrolytes been checked? Esp. potassuim, if too low may cause an increase in the heart rate. I’m glad he is seeking medical help. Good Luck
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