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What is viral laryngitis

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The most common cause of viral laryngitis is an infection of the upper respiratory track, such as a cold or the flu. A viral case of laryngitis cannot be treated with antibiotics. Viral laryngitis is not contagious and goes away in a couple of days. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-viral-laryngitis ]
More Answers to “What is viral laryngitis
What is viral laryngitis
The most common cause of viral laryngitis is an infection of the upper respiratory track, such as a cold or the flu. A viral case of laryngitis cannot be treated with antibiotics. Viral laryngitis is not contagious and goes away in a couple…
What are the symptoms of viral laryngitis?
You may feel sore over the ‘Adams apple’ and become hoarse shortly afterwards. The voice sometimes ‘goes’, and you may only be able to whisper. Some people are alarmed at this. However, it is only temporary whilst the vocal cords are inflam…
What is the differents between bacterial laryngitis and viral lar…?
To understand the difference between bacterial laryngitis and viral, we must first have a good understanding of the difference between bacteria and viruses. Bacteria are living single celled-organisms that can live outside of a living host …

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Q: If you dont know what it is don’t answer i want proper help !I had my monroe piercing done on wednesday, a week today. The day after i i got ill with my throat, runny nose, etc common flu symptoms.& Then i lost my voice, not fully i just sound like a squeeky beast at the moment lol. n its going ot be a week tommorow that this has happened. Yesterday, i went to see my doctor who told me i have viral laryngitis it’s not contagious but its basically gland or something to do with my voice box and it’s all swollen so i have been advised to not talk alot, take ibuproufon etc. There is no antebiotic apparently because it’s a virus and my immune system needs to fight this awayApparently the longest this will take is 10 days, well in recorded history that is how long it takes. & If not, She said i will have to be put on steroids….I’m really worried about this as the side effects causes hair loss and stuff like that.Any advise on what i can do to get rid of it quicker or is it do with my piercing. & Not only did she tell me i have viral laryngitis i also have conjunktavitis. I feel FINE in myself, i cough abit, my voice sometimes returns for about 1 second .I’m taking strepsils, drinking loads, having steamy baths & barely talking !any more advise or anything else you can tell me about this thing? Is it common ? dangerous?
A: Viral laryngitis means you have a sore throat caused by a virus. In all likelihood there is nothing to worry about. Relax and drink whatever is soothing to your throat.
Any homemade [or otherwise] remedies to help ease the dry/non-productive cough associated w/ Acute Laryngitis?
Q: .For those who would like to help, here is a bit of clinical history:Yesterday, I was diagnosed with a sever case of Acute Laryngitis — 3 days ago, though, they told me it was a sinus infection and put me on two different antibiotics [i.e. Gemifloxacin and Claritromicin]! Needles to say, the antibiotics didn’t do a thing for my [most likely viral] Laryngitis and I ended up in the ER in the middle of the night, feeling absolutely miserable and short of breath. There, they finally ran a few tests, including a quick swab for Strep (which came back negative) and a Laryngoscopy (which confirmed the Laryngitis diagnosis, as I had suspected from the beginning, especially in light of my hoarse voice and extreme rawness in the Larynx!)BTW, the Facial X-ray showed no evidence of any sinus infection at all, but the chest X-ray came back with, and I’m quoting, “a very slight sign of infiltration” (for which they recommended that I continue taking the antibiotics). They also gave me a cough syrup and a nasal decongestant, which actually tend to dry up my airway passages even more. I’ve also been using a humidifier which helps a lot – though it provides mostly a temporary (10-15 min) relief. Anyway, the real problem is: as soon as I lay down to get some rest, the post-nasal drip [plus, I’m guessing the piercing dryness, exasperated by breathing through my mouth] starts hitting my already inflamed (and what appears to be full of mucous/phlegm) Larynx, causing sever, relentless, frustrating, and above all “non-productive” coughs that don’t let me get any sleep, at all. I’ve been coughing for 3 days straight, and have managed to get only 3-4 hours of intermittent sleep in that period. All that coughing has left me with a constant splitting headache (for which I take Tylenol) and extremely sore abdominal muscles (it’s like doing 500 sit-ups at a time).Additional relevant info: Throughout this entire ordeal, I’ve only experienced a slight fever (if at all) and no swollen glands. I’m not a smoker, I don’t suffer from gastrointestinal reflux disease, nor do I practice any activity that might put serious strain on my vocal cords (e.g. singing etc.); and except for an occasional drink here and there, I’m not big on drinking either. I’m guessing maybe I need something like Mucinex (Guaifenesen) to loosen up the phlegm + a corticosteroid therapy of sorts (though I would like to avoid it, if at all possible) or else a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug like Cataflam (diclofenac), to take care of the inflammation.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!Thank you all, and Have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!.
A: Go for a very brisk walk first thing in the morning take your Mucinex with a big glass of cranberry juice and a zinc supplement.Irrigate your sinuses and gargle with warm normal saline. Stay mobile during the day.About an hour before you’re ready to go to sleep, take OTC Benadryl – it does a great job of drying up the PND, also a great cough suppressant. Sleep with your upper body elevated, not laying flat down. A warm compress on your chest will help, a heating pad on low will work.Regarding the non steroidal anti inflammatory, All Nsaids are about the same, which ever one you have on hand will do just fine, take it with food cause they are murder on the gut.Hope you feel better real soon.
Feeling sick and loss of appetite?
Q: For the last few weeks i have been feeling a bit sick in the stomach most of the time. Sometimes i have felt so bad i thought i was going to throw up. I have had practically no appetite and some days have barley eaten anything. I have been getting constant headaches for about 6 months as well. I have been on teaching prac for the last 3 weeks and had Viral Laryngitis last week and coughing up some phlem. Does anyone know what might be wrong? It’s driving me nuts!!
A: Yes. You need to see someone with an MD behind his name. Nobody here has that qualification, If we could diagnose it accurately, we could not prescribe anything. It has been weeks. What are you waiting for?
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