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What is wrong if I have a headache and my nose keeps running and I feel dizzy

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There are many illnesses that have those symptoms: cold, sinus infection, flu all the way up to migraines. If these symptoms stay past monday I would call your physician. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-wrong-if-i-have-a-headache-and-my-nose-keeps-running-and-i-feel-dizzy ]
More Answers to “What is wrong if I have a headache and my nose keeps running and I feel dizzy
What is wrong if I have a headache and my nose keeps running and …?
There are many illnesses that have those symptoms: cold, sinus infection, flu all the way up to migraines. If these symptoms stay past monday I would call your physician. ChaCha!

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What’s wrong with me?
Q: Hi, I am a 19 female who has been in good health my whole life. But recently I passed out in class. I fell and hit my head I got 14 stitches and broke my nose. I had surgery on Tuesday and they rebroke my nose and fixed it. I do have doctor’s appt. with a family doctor to try and figure out what’s wrong with me, but I want to know sooner. I keep passing out. I have been constantly shakey, dizzy, lightheaded, nasuea, and severe headaches. I am also extremely tired. I reguraly take zoloft and yaz, right now I’m on vicaden for the pain. I went to the doc on Friday and he ordered an echo, ekg, and a 5 hour G.T.T. Diabetes does run in my family, my Grandpa, his 2 brothers, and my aunt all have it. My grandma also has eplipsy. When the ambulence took my blood sugar it was 107 and when I got into the hospital it was 147. I don’t understand how it could have jumped when I didn’t eat anything, in fact I had actually thrown up. They took some blood at the E.R. and at the family doctor. The E.R. said that they didn’t know why I had passed out. I didn’t eat breakfast that day, but I never do so I don’t know why that would matter. I also missed lunch the second time I passed out. Someone caught me that time, so thankfully I didn’t get hurt again. I also left work once because I knew I was going to pass out I went to the E.R. because it was one of the reasons I was told to come back. A nurse checked my vitals and my blood pressure was 90/60. I ended up leaving that night without being seen, because they were packed I had been waiting 5 hours and still no hope of getting in. I’m sorry if all this seems out of order and confusing. I am extremely worried and just want to have some heads up so I know what to expext. Also on a somewhat similar note but not as important. Where I got my stitches in my forehead, which have been removed, it still feels numb. I don’t know if this is normal and if it’s going to go away but I just thought I would ask that too.
A: hmm ok im not sure but you may be having epileptic seizures.my sister had them but she didnt faint she just totally zoned out and no one could talk to her cuz she wouldnt hear you. there are maby different kinds of epileptic seizures. ask your doctor about that. or you might be having side effects from zoloft or yaz.
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