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What sickness could be from a sore throat, coughing and sneezing

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Sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, coughs and sore throat are all symptoms of the common cold. It could also be the flu, but you generally have a high fever with the flu. Consult your physician. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-sickness-could-be-from-a-sore-throat%2C-coughing-and-sneezing ]
More Answers to “What sickness could be from a sore throat, coughing and sneezing
What sickness could be from a sore throat, coughing and sneezing?
Sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, coughs and sore throat are all symptoms of the common cold. It could also be the flu, but you generally have a high fever with the flu. Consult your physician.

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Q: Lately ive been really sick and i thought it could be strep throat,a head cold and/or rhinitis.Here are some of the symptoms ive been having :(Sneezing, itchy nasal passages, sore throat, swollen uvula & tonsils, coughing, headaches, ear aches, runny nose, burning nasal passages, plugged up nose, hurts to swallow, nosebleeds in high/low temperatures *though i think its just from the dryness in the air* watery eyes.Extra Info: Ive been going to bed early because i just wake up really tired, ive been taking tinonal and achtifede. *im 14* Can somebody please tell me if they know or think they know what it is?
A: You really should be more specific. It could be so many things, but what you really need is to talk to your doctor and tell him all you symptoms. GOOD LUCK!! 🙂
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