Black Mold?

Q:Who do I call? Do I call county,state? I can’t get any help. I think I have black mold in my apartment from past flooding a year ago. I am exhausted all of the time. I have cleaned and bought a dehumidifier? What next?
More Answers to “Black Mold?
Get a contractor to come over and confirm. They are used to dealing with it. Otherwise call your county health department they’ll come take a look in a few weeks or months. Better off with the contractor. Good Luck
1) tell your landlord. they are/should be obligated by law to provide livable housing. if they don’t solve your problem2) call your local better business bureau and see if they can direct you to someone to help you 3) if BBB can’t help call the city health inspector and tell him what’s going on4) if you still can’t find someone to help try the department of Housing and Development.
to say you think you have black mold is very inaccurate. you would see it if you have it on the walls. and because its “black” doesn’t make it some sort of “killer” mold. we humans live long lives with tons of mold in our environment. now if you were to get a pathogenic mold infection in the lungs then go to your doctor and get an xray, it will show up. feeling tired is not diagnostic of anything. you need blood work. as far as calling someone try the county health department, or the nearest OSHA office.
My family had several harmful molds at a previous house. From experience, bleach will not kill it, it will only hide what you can see. Often the worst mold is inside your walls or HVAC system, so cleaning will not get ride of all of it. You need to look up a mold remediation specialist to properly clean it, but sometimes mold may have penetrated your wood work or dry wall which means that you have to replace walls to remove mold. My best advice to you is to move out ASAP. Remove all non-cloth furniture outside of the home and clean with bleach then Lysol in the Sunlight. Take all clothing clean it on high heat or dry clean, again outside the home. You may want to do a personal cleansing through short fasting and organic essential oils. Good luck, it took our family approx 6-9 months to fully feel better after living for a year and a half in a toxic mold environment.
call your landlord. use bleach and make sure that the place is well ventilated afterwards if you want to keep the mold away-black mold is bad for your health!!!! See if you can find a number for a county health department or something….or try calling your city hall to see if they can direct you to who to call.
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