I have a blister on the bottom of my foot that is very painful, what is it?

Q:I have a blister on the bottom of my foot that is very painful, what is it?
More Answers to “I have a blister on the bottom of my foot that is very painful, what is it?
Are you diabetic ? Keep it dry and clean at all times. Check your shoe for something out of kilter inside the shoe. Wear gel supports. If it gets infected you can get gangrine. I went to a Doctor and I’m glad I did. Don’t put it off,this could be serious,I mean it, GO !
it may not be a blister, but instead a callus or ulcer. you can try trimming the area or using pumice stone (if a callus). if it appears to be non healing and an open wound it may be more of a ulcer. you need to see a podiatrist for definitive answer. you can try a great website with articles regarding foot condition and care of conditions, myfootshop.com use the source as link to site.
A sore blister, try not to put a lot of weight on it, and massage it gently to minimize the swelling and pain. Nothing major!
probly a blister from a shoe and everytime you walk on it the blister gets irritated and hurts try covering it with a bandaid and see if it helps with the pain a bit.
Walk on your hands till it heals.
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